Mocking is
a powerful technique for isolating tests from undesired interactions among
components. But often people find their mock isn’t taking effect, and it’s not
clear why. Hopefully this explanation will clear things up.
BTW: it’s really easy to over-use mocking. These are good explanations of
alternative approaches:
A quick aside about assignment
Before we get to fancy stuff like mocks, I want to review a little bit about
Python assignment. You may already know this, but bear with me. Everything
that follows is going to be directly related to this simple example.
Variables in Python are names that refer to values. If we assign a second
name, the names don’t refer to each other, they both refer to the same value.
If one of the names is then assigned again, the other name isn’t affected:
x23x = 23xy23y = xxy1223x = 12
If this is unfamiliar to you, or you just want to look at more pictures like
this, Python Names and Values goes into much more depth about the semantics
of Python assignment.
Let’s say we have a simple module like this:
val = "original"
def update_val():
global val
val = "updated"
We want to use val from this module, and also call update_val to change val.
There are two ways we could try to do it. At first glance, it seems like they
would do the same thing.
The first version imports the names we want, and uses them:
from mod import val, update_val
The second version imports the module, and uses the names as attributes on
the module object:
import mod
This seems like a subtle distinction, almost a stylistic choice. But prints “original original”: the value hasn’t changed! does
what we expected: it prints “original updated.” Why the difference?
Let’s look at more closely:
from mod import val, update_val
After “from mod import val”, when we first print val, we have this:
“from mod import val” means, import mod, and then do the assignment “val =
mod.val”. This makes our name val refer to the same object as mod’s name
After “update_val()”, when we print val again, our world looks like this:
update_val has reassigned mod’s val, but that has no effect on our val. This
is the same behavior as our x and y example, but with imports instead of more
obvious assignments. In, “from mod import val” is an assignment from
mod.val to val, and works exactly like “y = x” does. Later assignments to
mod.val don’t affect our val, just as later assignments to x don’t affect y.
Now let’s look at again:
import mod
The “import mod” statement means, make my name mod refer to the entire mod
module. Accessing mod.val will reach into the mod module, find its val name, and
use its value.
Then after “update_val()”, mod’s name val has been changed:
Now we print mod.val again, and see its updated value, just as we expected.
OK, but what about mocks?
Mocking is a fancy kind of assignment: replace an object (or function) with
a different one. We’ll use the
function in a with statement. It makes a mock object, assigns it to the name
given, and then restores the original value at the end of the with
Let’s consider this (very roughly sketched) product code and test:
from os import listdir
def my_function():
files = listdir(some_directory)
# ... use the file names ...
def test_it():
with mock.patch("os.listdir") as listdir:
listdir.return_value = ['a.txt', 'b.txt', 'c.txt']
After we’ve imported, both the os module and have a
name “listdir” which refers to the built-in listdir() function. The references
look like this:
os modulelistdirlistdir()product.pylistdir
The mock.patch in our test is really just a fancy assignment to the name
“os.listdir”. During the test, the references look like this:
os modulelistdirlistdir()mock!product.pylistdir
You can see why the mock doesn’t work: we’re mocking something, but it’s not
the thing our product code is going to call. This situation is exactly analogous
to our example from earlier.
You might be thinking, “ok, so let’s do that thing to make it work!”
If we do, it will work. Your product code and test will now look like this (the
test code is unchanged):
import os
def my_function():
files = os.listdir(some_directory)
# ... use the file names ...
def test_it():
with mock.patch("os.listdir") as listdir:
listdir.return_value = ['a.txt', 'b.txt', 'c.txt']
When the test is run, the references look like this:
os modulelistdirlistdir()mock!product.pyos
Because the product code refers to the os module, changing the name in the
module is enough to affect the product code.
But there’s still a problem: this will mock that function for any module
using it. This might be a more widespread effect than you intended. Perhaps
your product code also calls some helpers, which also need to list files. The
helpers might end up using your mock (depending how they imported os.listdir!),
which isn’t what you wanted.
Mock it where it’s used
The best approach to mocking is to mock the object where it is used, not
where it is defined. Your product and test code will look like this:
from os import listdir
def my_function():
files = listdir(some_directory)
# ... use the file names ...
def test_it():
with mock.patch("product.listdir") as listdir:
listdir.return_value = False
The only difference here from our first try is that we mock “product.listdir”,
not “os.listdir”. That seems odd, because listdir isn’t defined in That’s fine, the name “listdir” is in both the os module and in, and they are both references to the thing you want to mock. Neither
is a more real name than the other.
By mocking where the object is used, we have tighter control over what
callers are affected. Since we only want’s behavior to change, we
mock the name in This also makes the test more clearly tied to
As before, our references look like this once has been fully
os modulelistdirlistdir()product.pylistdir
The difference now is how the mock changes things. During the test, our references look like this:
os modulelistdirlistdir()product.pylistdirmock!
The code in will use the mock, and no other code will. Just what
we wanted!
Is this OK?
At this point, you might be concerned: it seems like mocking is kind of
delicate. Notice that even with our last example, how we create the mock
depends on something as arbitrary as how we imported the function. If our code
had “import os” at the top, we wouldn’t have been able to create our mock
properly. This is something that could be changed in a refactoring, but at
least mock.patch will fail in that case.
You are right to be concerned: mocking is delicate. It depends on
implementation details of the product code to construct the test. There are
many reasons to be wary of mocks, and there are other approaches to solving the
problems of isolating your product code from problematic dependencies.
If you do use mocks, at least now you know how to make them work, but again,
there are other approaches. See the links at the top of this page.