Python Bytes: #310 Calling All Tools for Readmes
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View ArticleTalk Python to Me: #390: Mastodon for Python Devs
Wondering what Mastodon is all about? More importantly, what does it offer Python developers and other open source folks compared to Twitter? There is a huge amount of interest in the tech community...
View ArticleReal Python: Deploy a Django App With Gunicorn and Nginx
Taking a Django app from development to production is a demanding but rewarding process. In this video course, you’ll go through that process step by step. You’ll start at square one with a no-frills...
View ArticleKushal Das: Tor is ready
Today I built and pushed the Tor RPM(s) for Please make sure that you upgrade your relays and bridges. I have the updated package for Fedora 37 too (which also released today).You can know...
View ArticlePyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #551 (Nov. 15, 2022)
#551 – NOVEMBER 15, 2022View in Browser »Refactoring: Prepare Your Code to Get Help In this Code Conversation video course, you’ll explore the steps you can take to get help when you’re stuck while...
View ArticleBrett Cannon: Unravelling `lambda` expressions
When I first wrote my series on Python&aposs syntactic sugar, I left out lambda expressions as I knew I couldn&apost unravel them without unravelling assignment expressions. Luckily, I solved...
View ArticleBrett Cannon: MVPy: Minimum Viable Python
Over 29 posts spanning 2 years, this is the final post in my blog series on Python&aposs syntactic sugar. I had set out to find all of the Python 3.8 syntax that could be rewritten if you were to...
View ArticlePyBites: Software Engineering and Entrepreneurship
Listen here:This week we talk with Yujian, software developer and entrepreneur.We dive into: – His background. – Why he uses Python and the switch from Java. – His core Python focus these days + cool...
View ArticleDjango Weblog: 2023 DSF Board Candidates
Thank you to the thirty individuals who have chosen to stand for election. Our deepest gratitude goes to our departing board members for your contributions and commitment to the Django community. Anna...
View ArticleLuke Plant: Tools for rewriting Python code
When writing (or reviewing) code, you have better things to do than concern yourself with low-level details about coding style or other changes that are essentially mechanical in nature. Thankfully,...
View ArticleKushal Das: Johnnycanencrypt 0.11.0 released
A couple of days ago I released Johnnycanencrypt v0.11.0. It is a Python module for OpenPGP written in Rust.The most interesting update is for Linux users, now we have pre-built wheels for Python 3.8,...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Custom JSON Decoder in Python
JSON objects are one of the most efficient tools to communicate with web applications. When we receive a JSON file, we need to convert it into a python object to use it in our python program. In this...
View ArticleReal Python: Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy – Part 2
Most modern web applications are powered by a REST API under the hood. That way, developers can separate the front-end code from the back-end logic, and users can interact with the interface...
View ArticlePyCharm
Join us Monday, October 31, at 5:00 pm UTC (check other timezones) for our live webinar, New UI for Your IDE: A Glimpse Into the Future with JetBrains Developer Advocates.REGISTERJetBrains released our...
View ArticleSpyder IDE: Introducing the Spyder-Watchlist plugin
Spyder's Variable Explorer is a great tool which aids the development and debugging of Python code by displaying all variables from the current scope. One thing the Variable Explorer is missing is the...
View ArticleReal Python: The Real Python Podcast – Episode #133: Moving Projects Away...
What if you didn't have to worry about managing user passwords as a Python developer? That's where the WebAuthn protocol and new hardware standards are heading. This week on the show, Dan Moore from...
View ArticlePyCharm: PyCharm 2022.3 Release Candidate Is Out!
This build brings the ability to execute asynchronous scripts in the Python Console, use Vitest for Vite unit testing, and set a separate formatting style for the code that you read, not write.This...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Custom JSON Encoder in Python
JSON objects are one of the most efficient ways to transmit information on the internet. However, we cannot directly convert all types of data into JSON. In this article, we will discuss different ways...
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ TTM Squeeze Stocks Scanner Using Python
TTM Squeeze Stocks Scanner Using PythonIn this tutorial, I will build a TTM Squeeze scanner using Python and MongodbLet us first import the necessary packages for pandas and pymongo.In...
View ArticleMatt Layman: Development Cached Templates - Building SaaS with Python and...
In this episode, I ran through a Python exercise on Exercism that focused on strings. Then we moved onto the homeschool app and fixed an issue with templates that were cached during development because...
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