scikit-learn: Pandas DataFrame Output for sklearn Transformers
Author: Sangam SwadiKVideoUpcoming feature in release 1.2Starting with the next release of scikit-learn (v1.2), pandas dataframe output will be available for all sklearn transformers! This will make...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Sort Pandas DataFrame in Python
Pandas dataframes are used to handle tabular data in Python. Many times, we need to sort the dataframe based on a column. In this article, we will discuss different ways to sort a pandas dataframe in...
View ArticleThe Python Coding Blog: Using Positional Arguments and Named or Keyword...
In the first article in this Intermediate Python Functions Series, you made sure you got your terminology right. So you know what an argument is. But what are positional arguments and keyword arguments...
View ArticleSebastian Witowski: Upgrade Your Python Version
Here is an idea for a completely free[1] speed improvement for your code - upgrade your Python version!I started this series of articles using Python 3.8, but today we already have version 3.11. Python...
View ArticleSebastian Witowski: How to Benchmark (Python) Code
While preparing to write the "Writing Faster Python" series, the first problem I faced was "How do I benchmark a piece of code in an objective, yet uncomplicated way".I could run python -m timeit...
View ArticlePython Software Foundation: Announcing Python Software Foundation Fellow...
The PSF is pleased to announce its third batch of PSF Fellows for 2022! Let us welcome the new PSF Fellows for Q3! The following people continue to do amazing things for the Python community:Anwesha...
View ArticleMike C. Fletcher: Potions with Custom Effects
In Pycraft, I figured out the Potions-with-custom-effects, the problem being that Bukkit's PotionEffectType doesn't actually implement the keyed interface, but instead has its own .values() call, so...
View ArticleIslandT: ProCal Homepage
This application which is used to calculate various financial problems is free to use on GitHub and you can download the code through this link. You can use the executable file to start the application...
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ Enable Python Virtual Enviornment in Visual Studio...
Enable Python Virtual Enviornment in Visual Studio Code on WindowsInstall PythonGo to Microsoft Store and search for Python. Install the latest Python version. Install Python Extension in Vs CodeOpen...
View ArticleReuven Lerner: Level up your career with PythonDAB — the Python Data...
The economy has been feeling a bit shaky as of late, with lots of layoffs, shakeups, and general uncertainty about what’s coming next.With the right skills, you need not be too nervous. That’s because...
View ArticleZato Blog: IMAP and OAuth2 Integrations with Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 requires for all IMAP connections to use OAuth2. This can be challenging to configure in server-side automation and orchestration processes so Zato offers an easy way that lets you read...
View ArticleMike Driscoll: PyDev of the Week: Sarah Abderemane
This week we welcome Sarah Abderemane (@sabderemane_) as our PyDev of the Week! Sarah is a full-stack developer who is very active in the Django community. You can learn more about Sarah by checking...
View ArticleArmin Ronacher: Scaling Mastodon is Impossible
In light of recent events at Twitter a lot of the people that I follow (or used to follow) on that platform have started evaluating (or moved) to Mastodon. And I also have a Mastodon account now. But...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Working with JSON Files in Python
JSON Files are one of the most used data formats for communication between two web applications. In this article, we will discuss what JSON objects are and how can we work with JSON files in...
View ArticleReal Python: Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy – Part 1
Most modern web applications are powered by a REST API under the hood. That way, developers can separate the front-end code from the back-end logic, and users can interact with the interface...
View ArticlePython Morsels: Python's ternary operator
Python doesn't have the traditional ternary operator that most programming languages do. Instead we have "conditional expressions".Table of contentsPython doesn't have typical ternary operatorsPython's...
View ArticleMade With Mu: Mu: An Editor in Hostile Environments
This is a picture of the surface of Venus, taken by the Soviet Venera 14 probe. Apparently, the temperature of the barren rocky surface is 465 °C and the pressure is that of 94 Earth atmospheres (9.5...
View ArticlePython Insider: Python 3.12.0 alpha 2 released
I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.12 alpha 2. is an early developer preview of Python 3.12.Major new features of the 3.12...
View ArticleMade With Mu: Announcing a new stable release: 1.2.0
Mu is a Pythonic beginner’s code editor created by volunteers in the community.It provides an easy answer to the question beginners always ask, “but how do I start?”.Simple, download Mu.Today, we’re...
View ArticlePaolo Melchiorre: Intervista Pythonista - Ep 31
Python Milano presents Intervista Pythonista. We give a voice to Italian Pythonistas and get to know them closely with short interviews. Presented by Marco Santoni and Cesare Placanica.
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