Ned Batchelder: Secure maintainer workflow
I’m trying to establish a more secure workflow for maintaining public packages.Like most developers, I have terminal sessions with implicit access to credentials. For example, I can make git commits...
View ArticleMike Driscoll: PyDev of the Week: Irit Katriel
This week we welcome Irit Katriel (@IritKatriel) as our PyDev of the Week! Irit is a CPython Core Dev who works at Microsoft. Irit helped write up PEP 654, which is about "Exception Groups and except*"...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Drop Columns From Pandas Dataframe
While working with dataframes in python, we often need to delete one or more columns from the dataframe while data preprocessing. In this article, we will discuss different ways to drop columns from a...
View ArticleReal Python: Python REST APIs With Flask, Connexion, and SQLAlchemy – Part 3
Most modern web applications are powered by a REST API under the hood. That way, developers can separate the front-end code from the back-end logic, and users can interact with the interface...
View ArticleZero to Mastery: Python Monthly Newsletter 💻🐍
36th issue of the Python Monthly Newsletter! Read by 25,000+ Python developers every month. This monthly Python newsletter covers the latest Python news so that you stay up-to-date with the industry...
View ArticlePodcast.__init__: Build A Full Stack ML Powered App In An Afternoon With Baseten
Building an ML model is getting easier than ever, but it is still a challenge to get that model in front of the people that you built it for. Baseten is a platform that helps you quickly generate a...
View ArticleTrey Hunner: Python Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales (2022)
It’s that time of year again… time for my annual compilation post of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for learning Python.Note that Cyber Monday is a week away, so most sales aren’t yet announced....
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ How To Append Rows With Concat to a Pandas DataFrame
How to append rows with concat to a Pandas DataFrameIn [19]:importpandasaspdimportrequestsimportjsonFor this example, I will load the data from the following api. This is stocks data. Let us not worry...
View ArticleLuke Plant: Tools for rewriting Python code
When writing (or reviewing) code, you have better things to do than concern yourself with low-level details about coding style or other changes that are essentially mechanical in nature. Thankfully,...
View ArticleLuke Plant: Python Type Hints: case study on parsy
I have been trying to like static type checking in Python. For most of my Django projects, I get annoyed and give up, so I’ve had a go with some smaller projects instead. This blog post documents how...
View ArticlePyBites: Loving the Journey towards your Goal
Listen here:Welcome back to our Pybites podcast. This week we talk about Loving the journey to your goal. We center our discussion about: 1. Setting Goals. 2. What can you do and how can you love the...
View ArticlePyBites: How to create a self updating GitHub Readme
It was about time to give my GitHub profile a nice intro so inspired by Simon Willison’s blog post I decided to make an intro Readme that auto-updates.First I made a GitHub repo called bbelderbos, my...
View ArticleReal Python: Everyday Project Packaging With pyproject.toml
Packaging is often associated with publishing a project on PyPI, which can make you bypass packaging as something you don’t need to worry about at the start of your project. Python packaging has also...
View ArticleMike Driscoll: Python Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sales 2022
It's that time of year again when you can get great deals on Python books and courses!You can take $10 off ANY of my self-published books on Gumroad by using the following coupon code: black2022This...
View ArticlePyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #552 (Nov. 22, 2022)
#552 – NOVEMBER 22, 2022View in Browser »Moving Projects Away From Passwords With WebAuthn What if you didn’t have to worry about managing user passwords as a Python developer? That’s where the...
View ArticleArmin Ronacher: A Better Way to Borrow in Rust: Stack Tokens
As a Rust programmer you are probably quite familiar with how references work in Rust. If you have a value of type T you can generally get various references to it by using the ampersand (&)...
View ArticlePyCharm: “Support Python with JetBrains” Campaign Extended
Good news! The Support Python with JetBrains campaign has been extended for another week and will now last until November 29, 2022.Buy a PyCharm Pro subscription at 30% OFF, have the full amount of...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Check if a Column Is Sorted in a Pandas Dataframe
Pandas dataframe is a great tool for handling tabular data in python. In this article, we will discuss different ways to check if a column is sorted in a pandas dataframe. Table of ContentsCheck if a...
View ArticleReal Python: Microsoft Power BI and Python: Two Superpowers Combined
Microsoft Power BI is an interactive data analysis and visualization tool that’s used for business intelligence (BI) and that you can now script with Python. By combining these two technologies, you...
View ArticleThe Python Coding Blog: Optional Arguments With Default Values in Python...
We continue our journey through Python functions by looking at optional arguments and default values.In this article, you’ll see how you can define a function with an optional argument. A default value...
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