Hynek Schlawack: Why I Like Nox
Ever since I got involved with open-source Python projects, tox has been vital for testing packages across Python versions (and other factors). However, lately, I’ve been increasingly using Nox for my...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Pandas Map Function to Series in Python
The pandas’ map() method is used to map dictionaries or functions to pandas series or dataframe columns. In this article, we will discuss different ways to map a function, series, or dictionary to a...
View ArticleReal Python: Working With Linear Systems in Python With scipy.linalg
Linear algebra is widely used across a variety of subjects, and you can use it to solve many problems once you organize the information using concepts like vectors and linear equations. In Python, most...
View ArticleWill Kahn-Greene: Socorro: Schema based overhaul of crash ingestion:...
Projecttime:2+ yearsimpact:radically reduced risk of data leaks due to misconfigured permissionscentralized and simplified configuration and management of fieldsnormalization and validation performed...
View ArticleTestDriven.io: Multi-Region Python Applications
This article shows at how to enable multi-region support in a Python application.
View ArticleNed Batchelder: Scriv 1.2: create GitHub releases
I’ve been adding to scriv, my changelog management tool. The latest release is 1.2.0, with improvements to creating GitHub releases.As I mentioned on last month’s podcast, I think it’s important to...
View ArticlePython⇒Speed: Some reasons to avoid Cython
If you need to speed up Python, Cython is a very useful tool. It lets you seamlessly merge Python syntax with calls into C or C++ code, making it easy to write high-performance extensions with rich...
View ArticleMahmoud Hashemi: Cruising through complex data
This post is a showcase of data wrangling techniques in Python, using glom. If you haven't heard of glom, it's a data transformation library and CLI designed for Python. Think HTML templating, but for...
View ArticlePython Circle: Creating a bar chart in Django Application
Minimal example of how to create a bar chart or pie chart in Django application using Charts.js. Drawing Analytics charts in Django application. Using charts and graphs to make your Django application...
View ArticleDaniel Roy Greenfeld: Configuring Sphinx Auto-Doc with projects having Django...
How to make it so projects with Django as a dependency benefit from Sphinx's auto-documentation features.The ProblemI want to be able to document open source packages with Sphinx (ex. xocto) and have...
View ArticleCodementor: Before directly jumping to code, learn this...
what to learn before jumping to code
View ArticleKay Hayen: Nuitka Package Configuration Kickoff
The term “kickoff” refers to a series of posts about the Nuitka package configuration. The details are here on a dedicate page on the web site only. Nuitka Package Configuration.This documentation is...
View ArticleReal Python: The Real Python Podcast – Episode #141: Exploring Python With...
Have you used the Python Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) to explore the language and learn about how it operates? Would it help if it provided syntax highlighting, definitions, and code completion and...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Split String Into Characters in Python
Strings are used for text manipulation in Python. In this article, we will discuss different ways to split a string into characters in python.Table of ContentsSplit String Into Characters Using for...
View ArticlePython GUIs: QCheckBox
A checkbox is a square-shaped widget used in graphical user interfaces (GUI) to provide users with a way to enable or disable options, or to allow users to enable or disable certain features of the...
View ArticlePyCharm: PyCharm 2023.1: Early Access Program Is Open!
We are opening the Early Access Program for PyCharm 2023.1! We invite you to take part and help us fine-tune the features we plan to include in PyCharm 2023.1.If you haven’t yet participated in one of...
View ArticleBrett Cannon: Testing a Python project using the WASI build of CPython with...
As part of bringing Python to the browser via vscode.dev, I looked into what it looks like today (January 2023) to test a Python project that uses pytest with a WASI build of CPython (see my post on...
View ArticlePyBites: Testing membership and empty strings
I was working on one of the exercises on the Pybites platform (Bite 29) and encountered a situation I didn’t understand. I needed to check a set of inputs to see if they were alphanumeric or not as...
View ArticleCodersLegacy: Python Error: “most likely due to a circular import” (Solution)
In this article we will discuss the Circular Import Error that can occur when importing modules in Python, and how to solve it.What is a Circular Import?Circular imports in Python can be a tricky and...
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