Talk Python to Me: #398: Imaging Black Holes with Python
The iconic and first ever image of a black hole was recently released. It took over a decade of work and is a major achievement for astronomy and broadens our understanding of the universe for all of...
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ How To Use Selenium Webdriver To Crawl Websites
How To Use Selenium Webdriver To Crawl WebsitesI have Selenium 4.7.2 version installed. You can check yours using following command.In [11]:!pip show selenium Name: selenium Version: 4.7.2 Summary:...
View ArticleDaniel Roy Greenfeld: Practice Python Web Projects
I firmly believe that substantial improvement in any skill can only be achieved through practice. With that in mind, I have compiled a list of projects I have built over the years to practice my skills...
View ArticleDavid Amos: Never Modify Inputs Without Permission
Have you ever loaned something to someone only to have it returned to you in a different state?I saw this exact situation play out this week at work. A user reported that an SDK method, which involved...
View ArticleChris Warrick: How to improve Python packaging, or why fourteen tools are at...
There is an area of Python that many developers have problems with. This is an area that has seen many different solutions pop up over the years, with many different opinions, wars, and attempts to...
View ArticleCodersLegacy: Better alternatives to Pyinstaller in Python
In this article, we will discuss several (better) alternatives to the popular Pyinstaller library in Python.Python is a popular programming language widely used for creating a variety of applications,...
View ArticleProgramiz: Python List
In this tutorial, we will learn about Python lists (creating lists, changing list items, removing items and other list operations) with the help of examples.
View ArticleMike Driscoll: PyDev of the Week: Tim Schilling
This week we welcome Tim Schilling (@CodenameTim) as our PyDev of the Week! You can catch up with Tim by checking out his website. Tim is also active on Mastodon and GitHub.Let’s spend some time...
View ArticleReal Python: Python's Assignment Operator: Write Robust Assignments
Python’s assignment operators allow you to define assignment statements. This type of statement lets you create, initialize, and update variables throughout your code. Variables are a fundamental...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Pandas Replace NaN With 0 in Dataframe
NaN or null values are undesired in any dataset. In this article, we will discuss different ways to replace nan with 0 in a pandas dataframe and series.We can use three approaches to replace nan with 0...
View ArticlePyCharm: Webinar: “Reloadium: Faster Python Development with Hot Reloading in...
You write your code, restart your server, and wait for the screen to update, but by then, you’re already interrupted. Ever wish you could use the fast development cycle frontends have with hot...
View ArticleDjango Weblog: Django 4.2 alpha 1 released
Django 4.2 alpha 1 is now available. It represents the first stage in the 4.2 release cycle and is an opportunity for you to try out the changes coming in Django 4.2.Django 4.2 has a farrago of new...
View ArticleReal Python: Python Basics Exercises: File System Operations
In Python Basics: File System Operations, you learned how to use Python to work with files and folders. As a programmer, you’ll use the pathlib and shutil modules to complete file system operations...
View ArticlePyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #560 (Jan. 17, 2023)
#560 – JANUARY 17, 2023View in Browser »PEP 703: Making the GIL Optional in CPython This PEP proposes changes to the CPython build process that would allow you to build a GIL-less interpreter. This...
View ArticleSebastian Witowski: Dictionary Comprehension
Apart from the list comprehension method, in Python, we also have dictionary comprehension - a little less known but very useful feature. It's a perfect tool for creating a dictionary from an iterable....
View ArticlePyBites: Love the process and identify with your habits
This content appeared as a Pybites email first. If you like it, subscribe to our friends list here to be the first to get this valuable Python / Developer / Mindset related content.Notice: this is not...
View ArticlePyBites: Special podcast #100: Developer + Mindset Tips for 2023 (and our...
Listen here:Or watch here:We’re back with… episode 100! In this episode we highlight our favorite moments from the show:– How to Say no!– Being your Authentic Self with Hannah Kook– Practical Django...
View ArticleThe Python Coding Blog: Some Best Practices When Writing Python Functions...
You’ve covered a lot of material in this Intermediate Python Functions Series. In this final article, you’ll read about some best practices in Python functions.This topic is different from the previous...
View ArticlePython Bytes: #319 CSS-Style Queries for... JSON?
<a href='' style='font-weight: bold;'>Watch on YouTube</a><br> <br> <p><strong>About the show</strong></p>...
View ArticleTalk Python to Me: #399: Monorepos in Python
Monorepos are contrary to how many of us have been taught to use source control. To start a project or app, the first thing we do is create a git repo for it. This leads to many focused and small...
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