John Ludhi/ How To Solve Error Numpy Has No Attribute Float In Python
How To Solve Error Numpy Has No Attribute Float In PythonThere are a few possible reasons for this error:1 .The error 'numpy' has no attribute 'float' usually occurs when you are trying to access the...
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ Generative Adversarial Networks
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a type of neural network architecture for generative modeling. They consist of two models: a generator and a...
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ Calculate Implied Volatility of Stock Option Using Python
Calculate Implied Volatility of Stock Option Using PythonImplied volatility is a measure of the expected fluctuation in the price of a stock or option over a certain period of time. It is derived from...
View ArticlePyBites: Goal setting tips
Listen here:Or watch here:Happy New Year and welcome back to the Pybites podcast. This week Julian and Bob talk about setting goals for this year 2023:– How to set your goals this year.– When and where...
View ArticleHynek Schlawack: Surprising Consequences of macOS’s Environment Variable...
macOS removes all environment variables starting with DYLD_ as part of its System Integrity Protection (SIP). Depending on how deep you go, the consequences can be surprising.
View ArticleIonel Cristian Maries: Old fashioned setup
Today's options for doing development on Windows [1] in Dockerized projects:A virtual machine (ol' reliable)Cumbersome to setup, but it's the beaten path, and you have this guide!There are other...
View ArticleMike Driscoll: PyDev of the Week: Claudio Jolowicz
This week we welcome Claudio Jolowicz (@cjolowicz) as our PyDev of the Week! Claudio is the author of an upcoming book titled Hypermodern Python Tooling. Claudio writes about Python on Medium. You can...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Pandas Replace Values in Dataframe or Series
In python, we use pandas dataframes to handle tabular data. This article will discuss different ways to replace values in a pandas dataframe or series. This article only discusses how to multiple...
View ArticleReal Python: Learn From 2022's Most Popular Python Tutorials and Courses
2022 was a great year for Python. The new Python 3.11 is 10 to 60 percent faster than 3.10, thanks to the efforts of the ongoing Faster CPython project. Python continues to be popular and has spent the...
View ArticleEveryday Superpowers: Simple notes can benefit your python career
For years, I have been using the Bullet Journal Method to organize my daily life and projects at work. During this time, I have found several unexpected benefits from this practice, including large...
View ArticlePython Engineering at Microsoft: The Python Pulse: A BiWeekly Microsoft Stream
We’re excited to announce a new monthly livestream! Each stream we start with a run down of the latest news in Microsoft Cloud, VS Code and Python tech ecosystem; then we deep dive into special...
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ Demystifying Stock Options Vega Using Python
Demystifying Stock Options Vega Using PythonThe vega of an option is expressed as a percentage, and it represents the change in the option's price for a 1% change in the implied volatility of the...
View ArticlePyBites: It’s not you – it’s me
Every so often I get convinced that a challenge test suite is wrong or Python is somehow giving me the wrong results. “It’s You”! I checked and quadruple-checked my code. I walked through every single...
View ArticleRead the Docs: Read the Docs newsletter - January 2023
Happy 2023!News and updatesHere are the latest updates from our team since the previous newsletter:📹️ Eric delivered a talk at DjangoCon US 2022 with practical tips for developing state of the art...
View ArticleReal Python: Using the Terminal on macOS
The terminal can be intimidating to work with when you’re used to working with graphical user interfaces. However, it’s an important tool that you need to get used to in your journey as a Python...
View ArticlePyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #559 (Jan. 10, 2023)
#559 – JANUARY 10, 2023View in Browser »Discover bpython: A Python REPL With IDE-Like Features In this tutorial, you’ll learn about bpython, an alternative Python REPL that brings code suggestions and...
View ArticlePython Bytes: #318 GIL, How We Will Miss You
<a href='' style='font-weight: bold;'>Watch on YouTube</a><br> <br> <p><strong>About the show</strong></p>...
View ArticlePython Insider: Python 3.12.0 alpha 4 released
I'm pleased to announce the release of Python 3.12 alpha 4. is an early developer preview of Python 3.12.Major new features of the 3.12...
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ Plot Stock Options Vega Implied Volatility Using...
Plot Stock Options Vega, Implied Volatility Using Python MatplotlibIf you are new to Stock Options Vega and Implied Volatility, I would recommend visiting the following notebooks first...Demystifying...
View ArticleNed Batchelder: Same words, different meanings
One of the difficulties when comparing programming languages is that they sometimes use the same words to describe similar things, but always with differences. Sometimes the differences are large...
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