The vega of an option is expressed as a percentage, and it represents the change in the option's price for a 1% change in the implied volatility of the underlying asset. For example, if an option has a vega of 0.20, this means that the price of the option is expected to increase by $0.20 for every 1% increase in the implied volatility of the underlying asset.
We will be using following modules to do this excercise.
- pymongo (assuming mongodb is already installed)
- opstrat Python library to calculate option geeks using Black Scholes
In [ ]:
!pip install opstrat
For this excercise let us look at Tesla options. We will caculate the Options geek for the following option contract...
- Todays date is Jan 9, 2023
- TSLA Jan 20 2023 100 Call
In [21]:
In [22]:
[{'_id': ObjectId('63bc57d6458ed2500e7cef5d'), 'description': 'TSLA Jan 20 2023 100 Call', 'bid': 20.7, 'ask': 20.9, 'last': 20.5, 'volatility': 82.941, 'vega': 0.037, 'daysToExpiration': 11, 'strike': 100.0}]
In [17]:
[{'_id': ObjectId('63bc91a3275fc68177ad4212'), 'date': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 9, 0, 0), 'open': 118.96, 'high': 123.52, 'low': 117.11, 'close': 119.77, 'adjusted_close': 119.77, 'volume': 188448460, 'ticker': 'TSLA', 'perchange': 5.93}]
In [33]:
In [32]:
K=100#Excercise Price of the optionSt=119.77#current stock pricer=0.0425#risk free interest rate 4.25%t=11#time to expire in daysv=82.9#implied volatilitytype='c'#put or call optionbsm=op.black_scholes(K=K,St=St,r=r,t=t,v=v,type='c')print(json.dumps(bsm,indent=2))
{ "value": { "option value": 98.8702676900665, "intrinsic value": 98.87, "time value": 0.00026769006649374205 }, "greeks": { "delta": 1.0, "gamma": 1.0670964994225347e-34, "theta": -2.4335304744443113e-05, "vega": 3.8243193031313692e-34, "rho": 0.006298549463267629 } }
As we can see above, the above code outputs not only vega but all the option Geeks.