In this article, I am going to draw a small hat image on top of a circle with Pygame. Basically, this program has two parts, the circle part, and the image part.
I am going to draw the circle’s part with this line of code which will draw a circle in the middle of the display screen!, pygame.Color(200,200,200), (circle_center_y, circle_center_y), circle_radius) # Draw white circle at the middle of screen
Then with these few lines of code, I load and draw the image on top of the circle…
# load hat image pawn0 = pygame.image.load("pawn.png") width, height = pawn0.get_size() # return width and height of the hat # draw a hat on the top of circle screen.blit(pawn0, (circle_center_x-width/2, circle_center_y-circle_radius-height))
The technique here is to position the image at the middle and top of the circle before drawing it!
Below is the whole code…do ignore the code with the comment placed beside it!
# Import and initialize the pygame library import pygame pygame.display.init() # set the caption on the panel pygame.display.set_caption("Draw Some Drawing") # windows height and width windowwidth = 600 windowheight = 600 # Print this line on output panel if the initialize process is successful if(pygame.display.get_init() == True): print("Success initialize the game!") # Initialize a window or screen for display screen = pygame.display.set_mode([windowwidth, windowheight]) # Print the x, y size of the game display window print("The windows size is " + str(pygame.display.get_window_size())) _x = 0.5 # small increment in x and y direction _y = 0.5 circle_center_x = 300 # set the circle initial coordinates, set its radius as well circle_center_y = 300 circle_radius = 60 # hat image load pawn0 = pygame.image.load("pawn.png") width, height = pawn0.get_size() # return width and height of the hat # Run the game until the user asks to quit running = True while running: # If the user clicks on the 'x' button on pygame display window then set running to false for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # Fill the rectangles with blue color screen.fill((0,0,255)), pygame.Color(200,200,200), (circle_center_y, circle_center_y), circle_radius) # Draw white circle at the middle of screen #pygame.draw.rect(screen, pygame.Color(225, 225, 225), pygame.Rect(x,y,rectangle_width,rectangle_height)) # Draw rectangle on screen #pygame.draw.line(screen, pygame.Color(255, 25, 255), (250, 300), (300,300), width=3) # Draw line on screen #pygame.draw.arc(screen, pygame.Color(255, 255, 255), pygame.Rect(400,30,100,100), 25.0, 30.0, width=3) # Draw arc on screen #pygame.draw.polygon(screen, pygame.Color(200, 125, 205), [(100,100), (150, 150), (200,250), (220, 270), (500, 300), (50, 160)], width=5) # Draw polygon on screen #circle_center_x+=_x # increase the center x and center y coordinates of the circle #circle_center_y+=_y # switch the _x or _y value if the circle hits the wall # if(circle_center_x+circle_radius >= windowwidth): # _x= -0.5 # elif(circle_center_x - circle_radius <= 0): # _x= 0.5 # if (circle_center_y + circle_radius >= windowwidth): # _y = -0.5 #elif (circle_center_y - circle_radius <= 0): # _y = 0.5 # draw a hat on the top of circle screen.blit(pawn0, (circle_center_x-width/2, circle_center_y-circle_radius-height)) pygame.display.flip() # refresh the screen # Quit the game pygame.display.quit()
That is basically it, wish you will like the above program!