Zato Blog: How to invoke REST APIs from Zato services
This Zato article is a companion to an earlier postpreviously, we covered accepting REST API calls and now we will look at how Zato services can invoke external REST endpoints.Outgoing...
View ArticleThe Digital Cat: Data Partitioning and Consistent Hashing
This post is an introduction to partitioning, a technique for distributed storage systems, and to consistent hashing, a specific partitioning algorithm that promotes even distribution of data, while...
View ArticleReal Python: Building a URL Shortener With FastAPI and Python
In this video course, you’ll build a URL shortener with Python and FastAPI. URLs can be extremely long and not user-friendly. This is where a URL shortener can come in handy. A URL shortener reduces...
View ArticlePyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #539 (Aug. 23, 2022)
#539 – AUGUST 23, 2022View in Browser »Understanding async Python for the Web“Recently Django 4.1 was released, and the thing most people seem interested in is the expanded async support. The Python...
View ArticlePeter Bengtsson: Join a list with a bitwise or operator in Python
Use `functools.reduce(operators.or_, my_list)` to join `my_list` with a bitwise OR.
View ArticlePython Bytes: #298 "Unstoppable" Python
<p><strong>Watch the live stream:</strong></p> <a href='' style='font-weight: bold;'>Watch on YouTube</a><br>...
View ArticleJohn Ludhi/ Join or Merge Lists In Python
Join or Merge Lists In PythonIn this notebook, we will go through the following topicsJoin / Merge two lists in python using + operator. Join / Merge two lists in python using list.extend(). Join /...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Delete Attribute From an Object in Python
Python is an object-oriented programming language. We often use objects defined with custom classes while programming. In this article, we will discuss how we can delete an attribute from an object in...
View ArticleReal Python: Python's exec(): Execute Dynamically Generated Code
Python’s built-in exec() function allows you to execute arbitrary Python code from a string or compiled code input.The exec() function can be handy when you need to run dynamically generated Python...
View ArticleStack Abuse: Big O Notation and Algorithm Analysis with Python Examples
IntroductionThere are usually multiple ways to solve the problem using a computer program. For instance, there are several ways to sort items in an array - you can use merge sort, bubble sort,...
View ArticleAnarcat: One dead Purism laptop
The "série noire" continues. I ordered my first Purism Librem 13v4 laptop in April 2019 and it arrived, unsurprisingly, more than three weeks later. But more surprisingly, it did not work at all: a...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Difference Between Pop and Remove in Python
In various tasks, we need to delete or extract elements from a list. We normally do this using the pop() method and the remove() method. In this article, we will discuss the major difference between...
View ArticlePython Anywhere: Our Commitment to Providing Free Accounts
Managing fraud and abuse of free products is a challenge that nearly every SaaS company contends with, but too often the perceived solution is to simply end free accounts. We’ve seen this happen time...
View ArticleTalk Python to Me: #379: 17 Libraries You Should Be Using in Django
<br/> Do you write web apps in Django? The framework has come a long way lately with versions 3 and 4 adopting many of the modern Python capabilities (async, for example). But there are so many...
View Article"Paolo Amoroso's Journal": Flet: web and mobile Flutter development in Python
First reading about Flet made me jump over my chair as it's what I was long looking for, a solution to my web and Android development needs. Flet is an opinionated, Flutter-based GUI framework for...
View ArticleCodementor: Create your Own %Magic Commands in Databricks
Ever wanted to build your own %Magic commands in Databricks? Well here is a handy guide on how to achieve that with Databricks Runtime 11x+.
View ArticleStack Abuse: What is 'from_logits=True' in Keras/TensorFlow Loss Functions?
Deep Learning frameworks like Keras lower the barrier to entry for the masses and democratize the development of DL models to unexperienced folk, who can rely on reasonable defaults and simplified APIs...
View ArticleNed Batchelder: Stilted
For fun this summer, I implemented part of the PostScript language, using PyCairo for rendering. I call it Stilted. Implementing a language is an interesting exercise. You always learn some things...
View ArticleStack Abuse: Don't Use Flatten() - Global Pooling for CNNs with TensorFlow...
Most practitioners, while first learning about Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures - learn that it's comprised of three basic segments:Convolutional LayersPooling LayersFully-Connected...
View ArticleMatthew Wright: Don’t append rows to a pandas DataFrame
Most pandas users encounter a situation where choosing to append rows to a pandas DataFrame seems like a good idea. A quick search of the API (or your favorite search engine) reveals that pandas has an...
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