The Python Coding Blog: numpy.meshgrid(): How Does It Work? When Do You Need...
You have come acrossnumpy.meshgrid()already. You may even have used it. But do you know what it does and how it does it?If your answer is “I’m not sure”, then you’re not alone. Some people find this...
View Article"Morphex's Blogologue": Exchange rate file parsing for ravencoin taxman
I hacked a little more on the accounting tool today, it takes a lighter approach than ethereum-classic-taxman, downloading a CSV file of...
View ArticleMike Driscoll: PyDev of the Week: Rachell Calhoun
This week we welcome Rachell Calhoun (@Rachell_Calhoun) as our PyDev of the Week! Rachell is active in the Python community and the Django Girls community. You can see some of the many things that...
View ArticlePython for Beginners: Sort List of Objects in Python
We can sort a list of numbers simply using the sort() method or the sorted() function. However, we cannot do so with a list of objects created using custom classes. In this article, we will discuss how...
View ArticleReal Python: Python News: What's New From May 2022
The first days of May 2022 were the last days of this year’s PyCon US event. Just before the PyCon conference, the Python Language Summit brought together Python core developers, triagers, and special...
View ArticlePodcast.__init__: Take A Deep Dive On How Code Completion Works And How To...
Most developers have encountered code completion systems and rely on them as part of their daily work. They allow you to stay in the flow of programming, but have you ever stopped to think about how...
View ArticleMatthew Wright: An introduction to accessing financial data in EDGAR, using...
Some sources of financial data can be expensive or difficult to find. For example, some is only available from exchanges or vendors who charge a hefty fee for access. However, the financial industry is...
View ArticleMatt Layman: Debugging Tips And Techniques
In the last Understand Django article, we looked at security. How does a Django site stay safe on the big, bad internet? The article explored some core elements for making Django app more secure. With...
View ArticlePyCharm: Webinar: “10 Git Things You Wish You Knew… in PyCharm” with Michael...
Many of us work with Git, never get past the basics, but still have that nagging feeling: “I really need to learn more.” However, the command line and Git concepts are too big of a hurdle.Michael...
View Python Meeting Düsseldorf - 2022-06-08
The following text is in German, since we're announcing a regional user group meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany.AnkündigungDas nächste Python Meeting Düsseldorf findet an folgendem Termin...
View ArticlePython Insider: Python 3.11.0b2 is now available
Does anyone want bug fixes? Because we have 164 new commits fixing different things, from code to documentation. If you have reported some issue after 3.11.0b1, you should check if is fixed and if not,...
View ArticleReal Python: Data Cleaning With pandas and NumPy
Data scientists spend a large amount of their time cleaning datasets so that they’re easier to work with. In fact, the 80/20 rule says that the initial steps of obtaining and cleaning data account for...
View ArticleAnwesha Das: Update on infrastructure
This summer we are having 15th edition of Dgplug summer training. July, 2022 is when the training begins. It was a long due task on me to revamp the infrastructure.Website updateOur
View ArticleSTX Next: Python vs. C#: Comparison of Benefits, Differences, and Use Cases
The IT industry is now developing like never before and there are tools for almost everything. Whether you’re working on something big or more compact and need to get it done fast or have all the time...
View ArticleZero to Mastery: Python Monthly Newsletter 💻🐍
30th issue of the Python Monthly Newsletter! Read by 25,000+ Python developers every month. This monthly Python newsletter covers the latest Python news so that you stay up-to-date with the industry...
View ArticleKushal Das: Tor sysadmin 101 workshop for new relay operators
On 4th June, at 19:00 UTC, we are doing an online workshop to help out new relay operators. If you ever wanted to help the Tor Project, or just curious about what is required to become a relay/bridge...
View ArticlePyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #527 (May 31, 2022)
#527 – MAY 31, 2022View in Browser »Python’s “Functions” Are Sometimes Classes Ever use list() or enumerate()? Think of them as functions? They’re not, they’re classes. Sometimes we call classes...
View ArticleMike Driscoll: Function Overloading with Python (Video)
In this tutorial, you will learn how to do function overloading with Python and its functools module.Related ReadingPython 3 - Function Overloading with singledispatchThe post Function Overloading with...
View ArticleDjango Weblog: Django bugfix release: 4.0.5
Today we've issued the 4.0.5 bugfix release.The release package and checksums are available from our downloads page, as well as from the Python Package Index. The PGP key ID used for this release is...
View ArticleEuroPython: EuroPython May 2022 Newsletter
Hey hey!Is it just us? Or is the time really just flying by. We’re 40 days away from D-Day & our volunteers have been working tirelessly where the rubber meets the asphalt. The past month has been...
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