Talk Python to Me: #103 Compiling Python through PyLLVM and MongoDB for Data...
This episode we have an optimization 2fer. <br/> <br/> We begin looking at optimizing a subset of Python code for machine learning using the LLVM compiler with a project called PyLLVM which...
View ArticlePython Anywhere: New release! Python 3.6 :-)
Today's system update was mostly infrastructure changes and security fixes, but there's one big visible change -- we now support Python 3.6!The new version is only available for accounts using the new...
View ArticleMike Driscoll: Python 101 Screencast: Introspection
Python has some powerful features that allow you to introspect your code or the code of others. I created the following video tutorial to help you learn how that works.This tutorial is from the Python...
View ArticleNumFOCUS: Facebook Makes Sophisticated Forecasting Techniques Available to...
Facebook ProphetStanFacebook Forecasting Tool Prophet is built on StanFacebook recently announced that they have made their forecasting tool, Prophet, open source. This is great news for data...
View ArticlePyCharm: PyCharm 2017.1 Release Candidate
Great news: We are now approaching the final steps towards the first major release in 2017. So today we’ve published the PyCharm 2017.1 Release Candidate. Download it now from our early access...
View ArticlePyBites: Generators are Awesome, Learning by Example
Learn what a Generator is and check out some different examples.
View ArticleDataCamp: DataCamp's 2017 Conference Guide
2017 is bound to be an exciting year in Data Science. Here's DataCamp's list of conferences that we're most excited about in the new year. Whether you're an R user, a Python hacker, or just a general...
View ArticleDataCamp: New Course: Merging Dataframes with pandas
Hi there - today we're launching a new course on Merging Dataframes with pandas by Dhavide Aruliah.As a Data Scientist, you'll often find that the data you need is not in a single file. It may be...
View ArticleDataCamp: New: Python Courses with Anaconda
We've got big news! We're very proud to say that we have partnered with our friends at Continuum Analytics, the makers of Anaconda, to make a new series of courses focusing on Data Visualization and...
View ArticlePyCharm: PyCharm 2016.3.3 Released
Shortly after announcing PyCharm 2017.1 Release Candidate today we bring you some important backport fixes for the current PyCharm stable version. Please welcome PyCharm 2016.3.3.For the detailed list...
View ArticlePatrick Kennedy: Python Logging Tutorial
IntroductionSomewhere in between getting your python project to run and getting to the point where even a debugger won’t help you find a bug, you might realize that creating a log file of what your...
View Articleبايثون العربي: بايثون في بضع كلمات
كيف يمكنك أن تصف بايثون ؟ إذا سألني شخص ما هناك بعض الكلمات ستأتي إلى رأسي مباشرة ومن بينهم: سهلة الفهم،التعلم و يمكن برمجة أي شيء بها .ولكن ماهي إمكانيات بايثون في الحقيقة؟ ماهي نقاط قوتها وضعفها؟...
View ArticleS. Lott: Simple CSV Transformations
Here's an interesting question:I came across your blog post "Introduction to using Python to process CSV files" as I'm looking to do something I'd think is easy in Python but I don't know how to do it....
View ArticleWeekly Python StackOverflow Report: (lxv) stackoverflow python report
These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.Between brackets: [question score / answers count]Build date: 2017-03-18 08:31:53 GMTSpeed up millions of regex replacements in Python...
View ArticleEuroPython: EuroPython 2017: Welcome our new Logo
Blue sea. Yellow sand. EuroPython goes to Rimini 2017 with a brand new logo. Colourful waves play with beach umbrellas to shape the foundation symbol with different patterns that visually immerse us in...
View ArticlePyBites: Code Challenge 10 - Build a Hangman Game - Review
It's end of the week again so we review the code challenge of this week. It's never late to sign up, just fork our challenges repo and start coding.
View ArticleProgramming Ideas With Jake: A Problem With Python’s Code Blocks
Python's code blocks don't restrict scope in any way. Not even in the important way.
View ArticleMike Driscoll: Python 101 – An Intro to IDLE
Python comes with its own code editor: IDLE. There is some unconfirmed lore that the name for IDLE comes from Eric Idle, an actor in Monty Python. I have no idea if that’s true or not, but it would...
View ArticleBangPypers: IoT Workshop - Mar, 2017
For this month (March), we conducted an IOT workshop hosted and presented by Sudhir Rawat and Zeeshan at Microsoft.The strength of attendance was around 75 people, more than 50% of those who had...
View Fourier Series and Harmonic Approximation
The Fourier Series and Harmonic Approximation¶In this article, we will walk through the origins of the Fourier transform: the Fourier Series. The Fourier series takes a periodic signal x(t) and...
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