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Obey the Testing Goat: Testing, async, asyncio, and performance


I recently did some experimenting with asyncio, and wanted to report back on how I got on with writing tests for it. While I was at it I was also able to compare its performance with a couple of other approaches to mutlitasking in Python, namely threads and gevent, so I'll report on that here too. (tl;dr: it's much of a muchness).

"hobbling" naughty user processes

At PythonAnywhere we have a "tarpit" where we put users who exceed their usage limits. Their processes still run, but slower. We use cgroups for this, and it works pretty well, but I was in a mean mood and I wanted to see whether I could make our tarpit even more mean -- essentially "hobbling" naughty users's processes using OS stop and restart signals.

In synchronous/pseudo code, something like this:

defmain():whileTrue:naughty_processes=find_new_naughty_processes()forprocessinnaughty_processes:hobble_process(process)# parallelised somehowtime.sleep(10)defhobble_process(process):whileTrue:try:os.kill(process.pid,signal.SIGSTOP)time.sleep(0.25)os.kill(process.pid,signal.SIGCONT)time.sleep(0.01)

Every 10 seconds, go fetch a list of "naughty" processes, and then "hobble" each one of them, by using OS signals to stop and start the process at short intervals. The naughty program still runs, but its execution is suspended for 95% of the time.

A first cut using asyncio

The only question was: how to do the "parallelise somehow" part. Asyncio is the hot new thing in the world of Python async stuff, and this seemed like a good potential candidate -- I have a fairly simple algorithms, and there are lots of places where I use "time.sleep", which are good places to give back control to some sort of event loop or task manager.

And sure enough, my first cut of the same code with asyncio was pleasingly similar to the normal procedural code -- I just add a few "yield froms" to signify where each function can yield control back to the event loop, ready to be woken up again when there's something for it to do:

defmain():loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()loop.create_task(hobble_processes_forever())loop.run_forever()@asyncio.coroutinedefhobble_processes_forever():already_hobbled=set()whileTrue:yield fromhobble_current_processes(already_hobbled)yield fromasyncio.sleep(2)@asyncio.coroutinedefhobble_current_processes(already_hobbled):pids=yield fromget_naughty_pids()forpidinpids:ifpidinalready_hobbled:continuealready_hobbled.add(pid)asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(hobble_process(pid))@asyncio.coroutinedefhobble_process(pid):whileTrue:os.kill(pid,signal.SIGSTOP)yield fromasyncio.sleep(0.2)os.kill(pid,signal.SIGCONT)yield fromasyncio.sleep(0.01)

feel free to skip this next section if you already know asyncio

What is a coroutine, I hear you ask? Or, at least, I hear some of you ask. I'm relying on the ones who don't ask to improve the amateurish definition that follows. Ahem. A coroutine is a function that defines some points at which it's happy to suspend and resume execution, or wait until some data or device becomes available. wikipedia

In asyncio, those places are marked by the yield from keywords, where the function says: I know this next thing will take some time, I'm happy to wait and let the rest of the program (as controlled by the event loop) get on with something else.

As I learned while trying to build this thing, yield from on its own won't make your code asynchronous (check out this gist for an illustration). You also need a special way of invoking functions that you want to start off asynchronously, and that's the purpose of create_task. create_task tells the event loop to start a function "in the background".

testing async code with a functional test

Once I'd more or less wrapped my head around that, and built a prototype that works, I started to think about testing. Or, how to turn my manual testing into automated testing

Some wag recently said "When people tell me they don't do TDD, I usually see them driving development with a bunch of manual tests which they're going to throw away, instead of automating them.

It felt like some "real" tests were in order, tests that would actually start some real processes and see if they really did get slowed down -- an end-to-end test, if you will -- so that's what I went for. Here was my first cut:

deftest_hobbled_process_is_slow(tarpit_pids_file,start_hobbler_in_subprocess):timer="; ".join(["import time","time.sleep(0.4)",# give hobbler a chance to spot us"start = time.time()","list(range(int(1e6)))",# do some work"print(time.time() - start)",]normal=subprocess.check_output(['python','-c',timer])add_self_to_tarpit=("import os;"" open({pidsfile}, 'w').write(str(os.getpid()));").format(pidsfile=tarpit_pids_file)slow=subprocess.check_output(['python','-c',add_self_to_tarpit+" "+timer],)normal=float(normal)slow=float(slow)assertnormal<slowassertnormal*10<slowassertnormal*100>slow

The test depends on two fixtures, one to create a file containing process ids (pids) that we want to hobble, and one to actually launch the hobbler.py process

@pytest.yield_fixturedeftarpit_pids_file():yieldtempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()@pytest.yield_fixturedefstart_hobbler_in_subprocess(tarpit_pids_file):process=subprocess.Popen(['python3','hobbler.py',tarpit_pids_file],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,universal_newlines=True)first_line=process.stdout.readline()if'Traceback'infirst_line:raiseException(process.stdout.read())yieldprocessprocess.kill()print('full hobbler process output:')print(process.stdout.read())

If you're not familiar with py.test fixtures, they're like things you might put in a unittest setUp / tearDown; special functions that get called with each test that names them as an argument. The yield pattern I'm using here allows me to inject a resource into the test.

Running the code under test as a totally separate Python process has two benefits -- first, it lets me test the program as it will actually be used, and secondly, it neatly sidesteps one of the difficulties of testing async code, which is how to deal with the event loop itself, which has to be launched as a blocking call..

From that point onwards, I found it was relatively easy to use similar tests to drive my development, alongside a few manual checks. Here's my final list of tests:


You can explore these, and the implementation, in the repo on GitHub

Performance comparison: aysncio vs gevent vs threads

Maybe the most interesting test was the "lots of processes" test, which is a performance test -- since the hobbler is meant to reduce the load on our servers, by reducing the resource usage of user processes, it's important that the hobbler itself shouldn't chew up all the CPU! So I wanted to see how it performs with lots of processes to hobble:

deftest_lots_of_processes(fake_tarpit,hobbler_process):start_times=Process(hobbler_process.pid).cpu_times()print('start times',start_times)procs=[]foriinrange(200):p=subprocess.Popen(['sleep','100'],universal_newlines=True)_add_to_tarpit(p.pid,fake_tarpit)procs.append(p)time.sleep(7)# time for 3 iterationsend_times=Process(hobbler_process.pid).cpu_times()print('end times',end_times)assertend_times.user>start_times.userassertend_times.system>start_times.systemProcess(hobbler_process.pid).cpu_percent(interval=0.1)# warm-upassertProcess(hobbler_process.pid).cpu_percent(interval=2)<10

All that boils down to starting 100 processes, telling the hobbler to hobble all of them, and then measuring the CPU usage of the hobbler -- I wanted it to be less than 10% of CPU. Unfortunately, it was far from that, taking up over 100% CPU in my first test.

So I thought I'd compare asyncio with a couple of other popular Python multitasking solutions: gevent and plain old threads

Switching from asyncio to gevent was actually very simple -- their programming patterns are quite similar -- a matter of changing a few aysncio.sleeps to gevent.sleeps, and loop.create_tasks to gevent.spawns:

-            yield from asyncio.sleep(0.01)+            gevent.sleep(0.01)-        loop.create_task(-            hobble_process_tree(parent)-        )+        gevent.spawn(hobble_process_tree, parent)-        yield from hobble_current_processes(loop, already_hobbled, cgroup_dir)+        gevent.spawn(hobble_current_processes, already_hobbled, cgroup_dir)

Check out the full diff here, if you're curious:

It turns out that didn't buy me any real performance improvement though. So I thought I'd try good ol' fashioned threads

-            yield from asyncio.sleep(0.01)+            time.sleep(0.01)-        loop.create_task(-            hobble_process_tree(parent)-        )+        threading.Thread(+            target=lambda: hobble_process_tree(parent)+        ).start() 

Again, not a massive change to the programming model -- a loop.create_task becomes a Thread().start(), and the asyncio.sleep() can just be a normal time.sleep(), since we're off the main thread.

Check out the full diff here if you're curious

But, performance-wise, it was no better. Worse, in fact!

Final test results: asyncio vs gevent vs threads


This is the results of just a single run on a single machine, not to be taken as a general indication of the true, intrinsic performance characteristics of any of these libraries, etc etc.

Library CPU usage
asyncio: 85.4
gevent: 100.4
threading: 172.8

Feel free to try and replicate these tests yourself, using the code here

Call to action (1): can this be made more efficient?

I'm inclined to think that this whole process hobbler was just a bad idea, but maybe you know more about multitasking stuff, and you can see some obvious improvements for my code, or have some suggestions for different approaches? Any thoughts on the theoretical reasons for why asyncio should seem so much quicker than threads in this instance? Answers on a postcard please...

Call to action (2): better ways of testing async code and/or process behaviour?

I use functional tests here for a few reasons:

  • The code under test crosses a lot of system boundaries -- it affects other processes, it relies on operating system signals, and it reads from a file. At least one end-to-end / integrationey test felt necessary. (this feels like a good reason)

  • Once I'd started, it was easier to just continue in that model, rather than figure out the subtleties of factoring out my code for testability, dealing with testing the event loop, and mocking all the different layers involved. This, maybe, is a bad reason.

The price I paid was a fairly slow test suite -- the basic test of process hobbling takes 8 or 9 seconds, and any of the other tests still take on the order of a second, since they involve writing to a temp file, starting a hobbler process and a test process, waiting for the hobbler to do something, and cleaning up. The performance test takes a a good 30 seconds on its own.

The tests are also a little more flakey than I'd like -- the exact amount that a process gets hobbled is subject to quite a lot of random noise, so just checking that it's "between 10 and 100 times slower" is a bit more vague than you might want, and it took me a while to set up the test in such a way that it reliably passed and failed as appropriate.

On the other hand, of course, I get the benefit you always get from a functional test, which is that I'm sure my system really does work.

So, I'd be interested -- would you write this test suite differently? Can you see any candidates for more "unitey" tests?

You'll see I already made a start on a slightly more isolated test that aims at just the get_top_level_processes function. The other main candidate that seems like it could do with a better, more granular test is hobble_process_tree function. Specifically, it's important that the process tree should be hobbled in the correct order, starting with the top level, then down to children, then children's children, and so on, and then re-started in the reverse order, starting from the bottom-level processes and going back up to the top. (otherwise, if you're hobbling a users' interactive console session, which has a nested tree of, say, bash and ipython, the user sees really weird things if you pause the ipython before the bash.)

That's not well tested at the moment. Can you think of a way of doing so which can handle the interspered asyncio yield froms, and that still feels like testing behaviour, not implementation?

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