Bernie Hackett, Luke Lovett, Anna Herlihy, and I are pleased to announce PyMongo 3.0.3. This release fixes bugs reported since PyMongo 3.0.2—most importantly, a bug that broke Kerberos authentication. We also fixed a TypeError if you try to turn off SSL hostname validation using an option in the MongoDB connection string, and an infinite loop reading certain kinds of corrupt GridFS files.
For the full list of bugs fixed in PyMongo 3.0.3, please see the release in Jira.
If you use PyMongo 3.0.x, upgrade.
If you are on PyMongo 2.8.x, you should probably wait to upgrade: we are about to make it easier for you. PyMongo 2.9, which will be released shortly, provides a smooth bridge for you to upgrade from the old API to the new one.
Let us know if you have any problems by opening a ticket in Jira, in the PYTHON project.