In Part 1 of article, we saw how to send blocking emails using ‘smtplib’ module & non-blocking emails using Twisted framework. In this part, we will see how to send asynchronous emails to multiple recipients using Twisted
Sending multiple emails
Refer following script.This script sends emails to given recipients asynchronously. Here we have used twisted.internet.defer.DeferredList API. This API is very useful in some scenarios. Suppose you have to finish multiple task asynchronously and then you have to finish one final task. For examples, your program is connected to 4 different clients & and before shutting it down, you have to make sure that all connections are closed properly. In such cases, DeferredList API is used. Create deferrands of each task & make their list. Pass this list to ‘DeferredList‘ API which will return you another deferrand. This final deferrand will be fired when all deferrands in list will be fired.
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 __author__ = 'Rohit Chormale' """ In this tutorial, same email will be sent to multiple recipients using `twisted.internet.defer.DeferredList` API. For each recipient, one defer will be created and will be added in `DeferredList`. `DeferredList` API will be fired only when all deferrands in `DeferredList` will be fired. """ from StringIO import StringIO from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.utils import formatdate from email.header import Header from twisted.mail.smtp import ESMTPSenderFactory from twisted.internet import reactor, defer from twisted.internet.ssl import ClientContextFactory # enter email content CONTENT = """""" # enter email subject SUBJECT = "" # enter sender email FROM_EMAIL = "" # list of multiple recipients RECIPIENTS = [['', ''], ['',], ['', ''], ] # enter username of your email account USERNAME = "your-email" # enter password of your email account PASSWORD = "your-password" # enter smtp host of your email provider SMTP_HOST = "smtp-host" # enter smtp port of your email provider SMTP_PORT = 587 def success(result, recipients): print 'Email sent successfully | recipients - %s' % recipients print result def failure(error, recipients): print 'Failed to send email | recipients - %s' % recipients print error def send_email(to_emails): mime_text = MIMEText(CONTENT, 'html', 'utf-8') mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') mime_msg['Subject'] = "%s" % Header(SUBJECT, 'utf-8') mime_msg['To'] = ",".join(to_emails) mime_msg['From'] = FROM_EMAIL mime_msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) mime_msg.attach(mime_text) mime_msg = StringIO(mime_msg.as_string()) df = defer.Deferred() f = ESMTPSenderFactory(USERNAME, PASSWORD, FROM_EMAIL, to_emails, mime_msg, df, retries=2, contextFactory=ClientContextFactory(), requireTransportSecurity=True) reactor.connectTCP(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT, f) return df def final_success(result): print 'All emails processed successfully' print result reactor.stop() def final_failure(error): print 'Failed to process all emails' print error reactor.stop() def send_multiple_emails(recipients): df_list = [] for r in recipients: df = send_email(r) df.addCallback(success, recipients=r) df.addErrback(failure, recipients=r) df_list.append(df) final_df = defer.DeferredList(df_list, consumeErrors=0) return final_df def run(): df = send_multiple_emails(RECIPIENTS) df.addCallback(final_success) df.addErrback(final_failure) reactor.callLater(1, run) if __name__ == '__main__':
Sending multiple emails using coiterator
Though above script runs fine, there is one problem. Here, recipients number is very small. But suppose you have to send emails to millions recipients then will this code work ?. Refer function ‘send_multiple_emails’.
def send_multiple_emails(recipients): df_list = [] for r in recipients: df = send_email(r) df.addCallback(success, recipients=r) df.addErrback(failure, recipients=r) df_list.append(df) final_df = defer.DeferredList(df_list, consumeErrors=0) return final_df
Here we have used ‘for’ loop which is blocking. So until this ‘for’ loop is iterated, program will not move to next line of code. For 3 recipents iteration will not take much time however for millions of recipents, it will not work.
So lets modify our code to work like generators.#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 __author__ = 'Rohit Chormale' """ In this tutorial, same email will be sent to multiple recipients using `twisted.internet.task` API. Each email recipient will be yielded using `twisted.internet.task.coiterate` API. """ from StringIO import StringIO from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.utils import formatdate from email.header import Header from twisted.mail.smtp import ESMTPSenderFactory from twisted.internet import reactor, defer, task from twisted.internet.ssl import ClientContextFactory # enter email content CONTENT = """""" # enter email subject SUBJECT = "" # enter sender email FROM_EMAIL = "" # list of multiple recipients RECIPIENTS = [['', ''], ['',], ['', ''], ] # enter username of your email account USERNAME = "" # enter password of your email account PASSWORD = "sailinux12&" # enter smtp host of your email provider SMTP_HOST = "" # enter smtp port of your email provider SMTP_PORT = 587 def success(result, recipients): print 'Email sent successfully | recipients - %s' % recipients print result def failure(error, recipients): print 'Failed to send email | recipients - %s' % recipients print error def send_email(to_emails): mime_text = MIMEText(CONTENT, 'html', 'utf-8') mime_msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') mime_msg['Subject'] = "%s" % Header(SUBJECT, 'utf-8') mime_msg['To'] = ",".join(to_emails) mime_msg['From'] = FROM_EMAIL mime_msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) mime_msg.attach(mime_text) mime_msg = StringIO(mime_msg.as_string()) df = defer.Deferred() f = ESMTPSenderFactory(USERNAME, PASSWORD, FROM_EMAIL, to_emails, mime_msg, df, retries=2, contextFactory=ClientContextFactory(), requireTransportSecurity=True) reactor.connectTCP(SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT, f) return df def final_success(result): print 'All emails processed successfully' print result reactor.stop() def final_failure(error): print 'Failed to process all emails' print error reactor.stop() def yield_recipients(recipients): for r in recipients: df = send_email(r) df.addCallback(success, recipients=r) df.addErrback(failure, recipients=r) yield df def send_multiple_emails(recipients): final_df = task.coiterate(yield_recipients(recipients)) return final_df def run(): df = send_multiple_emails(RECIPIENTS) df.addCallback(final_success) df.addErrback(final_failure) reactor.callLater(1, run) if __name__ == '__main__':
Here, we have used twisted.internet.task.coiterate API. This API iterates over iterator by dividing reactor runtime between all iterators. Thus we can send millions of emails asynchronously.
The post Sending emails asynchronously using Twisted – Part 2 appeared first on Lintel Technologies Blog.