The following is a short summary of my open source work in November. My hope is that keeping better track of what I’m doing will help me reflect on how I spend my time, and help me to focus my efforts better.
- Completed the NM process and became a Debian Developer in the end of October.
- Joined the Debian Python Modules Team (DPMT).
- Fixed RC bug #803662 and uploaded sphinxcontrib-spelling 2.1.2-1.
- Uploaded python-uritools 1.0.1-2: Moved to DPMT. Now runs tests when building.
- Uploaded python-ws4py 0.3.4-2: Moved to DPMT. Migrated to git-dpm and pybuild. Now runs tests when building.
- Uploaded python-pykka 1.2.1-2: Moved to DPMT. Migrated to git-dpm and pybuild. Now runs tests when building.
- Tested the upcoming Debian packaging of the Let’s Encrypt client software on Ubuntu 15.10, and reported a missing dependency. (Successfully created and deployed five free TLS certificates in a few minutes.)
- Uploaded mopidy-dleyna 1.0.4-1: New upstream release.
- Uploaded mopidy-podcast 1.1.2-1: New upstream release. Now runs tests when building.
- Uploaded mopidy-soundcloud 2.0.1-1: New upstream release.
- Released Mopidy-Spotify 2.2.0: Fixes related to duplicate “Starred” playlists and albums from year 0.
- Moved Mopidy’s Travis CI testing from Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 14.04, to prepare for GStreamer 1.x, and eventually testing with Python 3.4. PR #1341
- Worked on porting Mopidy from GStreamer 0.10 to PyGI and GStreamer 1.x. PR #1339
- Briefly looked at what remains to get Mopidy running on both Python 2.7 and
3.4+ when we’ve landed the port to GStreamer 1.x. Doesn’t look too bad,
except that
doesn’t want to work with bytes in Python 3, so there’s no easy way to read a config file referring to a path on a non-UTF-8 file system.
- Fixed two old crawlers. Added two new crawlers.
- Needs to upgrade to Django 1.8 before the Django 1.7 security support ends this December.