Yes, you read correctly – this post will only give you 1 tip. I know most posts like this have 5 or more tips. I once saw a post with 15 tips, but I may have been daydreaming at the time. You’re probably wondering what makes this 1 tip so special. “Vik”, you may ask, “I’ve been reading posts that have 7 tips all day. Why should I spend the time and effort to read a whole post for only 1 tip?”
I can only answer that data visualization is about quality, not quantity. Like me, you probably spent hours learning about all the various charts that are out there – pie charts, line charts, bar charts, horizontal bar charts, and millions of others. Like me, you thought you understood data visualization. But we were wrong. Because data visualization isn’t about making different types of fancy charts. It’s about understanding your audience and helping them achieve their goals.
Oh, this is embarrassing – I just gave away the tip. Well, if you keep reading, I promise that you’ll learn all about making effective data visualization, and why this one tip is useful. By the end, you’ll be able to make...