We’ve drawn to a close on PyTN 2017, and I’ve passed the torch on to Bill to lead it to the next level. I wanna to share a few parting words.
To Denise, thank you for being a constant blessing in my life and being so willing to share in all my crazy ideas. I couldn’t ask for a better, more supportive wife. Thank you for keeping me sane. I love you.
To William, thanks for helping me step outside my bounds and do something no hermit would do alone. You made this final year possible, and I’m grateful for your friendship and kind soul.
To Fernando, thank you for always lending a hand and stepping in to doing anything we need however, simple it is. You’re support has meant a lot to me.
To Eric, thank you for your constant cheerleading and always stepping up to be the first sponsor year after year. It kept me going when I needed it. JASON MYERS IS IN DA HOOOOUUUUSSSSSSSSSSEEEEE!
To Jacques and Cal, thank you for building the Nashville Community and showing me how to put together a conference in the Nashville way. For keeping me going when the tough moments came, and for support, guidance and advice for every tough moment. I miss you both and your impact on our community everyday.
To the PyOhio Organizers (Brian, Catherine, and crew), thank you for setting fantastic examples for us to follow and answering our silly questions. I never got PyTN to the level of PyOhio, but I know it’s better because we tried.
To every PyTN Keynoter, thanks for making my dreams come true of seeing my heros present. You all have truly been wonderful and delivered the messages we all needed to hear. It’s so rare to have people you look up to turn out to be such wonderful humans.
To every PyTN Speaker, thank you for being the reason people come to the conference. You’ve made PyTN a place of learning, growth, kind spirits and laughter. You made the conference everything it is!
To Emma, thank you for always providing space for whatever crazy community thing we are trying this time. From PyNash to sprints to game nights you’ve always provided a wonderful place to make that happen.
To every Sponsor, thank you for support our event and believing in us when you really had no reason too. Your kind words and support allowed world class talent to share their awesome. That shows us your awesome.
To Jessica, Thank you for leading the volunteers, and making my final year as easy as could be. Your organization and communication skills made this year wonderful!
To all the crew and volunteers thanks for every bag of garbage, schedule check, talk review, cup of coffee, speaker encouragement and making the magic happen. You’re an unsung, but critical part of our event. And it is OUR event as your actions, attitude, and service shaped it!
To every PyTN Attendee, thank you for buying tickets, showing kindness, and creating the community we have at PyTN. It has always felt comfortable to me, and I hope it has for you. You’ve made the “hallway track” a place to ask questions about many different things and demonstrated the powerful effect of sharing. Your cheers and support have made every single year worth it.
To Bill, I know that the rest of the PyTN community joins me in pledging our support to you as you take the helm of the ship. You’ve been a wonderful collaborator and confidant. I know you’ll take us to a whole new level, and set a new standard for our event. I can’t wait to give you the standing ovation you’ll deserve next year! Thank you for leading us forward.
So Long Till Next Year,