Speaker Profile: James Dozier (@thinkcodemake)
James is a Data Analyst for RePublic Schools in Nashville, TN and a self-taught Python Developer. Before moving to Nashville this year, he ran a monthly programming meetup in Jackson, TN, where he shared his love of Python and other programming languages.
James will be presenting “Robot Fight: A Study of Genetic Algorithms” at 2:00PM Sunday (2/5) in room 200. Gronk is a master Goblin Robot Builder. His bot, ZapPow, is the undefeated champion of Robot Fight!, the ongoing Goblin robot tournament. (Goblins aren’t great at naming things.) Where Gronk is a master builder, the Dorklings aren’t that great. When they first build their bots, they just throw random pieces together. But they have a scheme, a way to work together to eventually overthrow Gronk.
Sponsor Profile: PyOhio (@PyOhio)
PyOhio is a free annual conference for Python programmers in and around Ohio and the entire Midwest. The Tenth Annual PyOhio will be July 29-30, 2017! They’re model, advice and guidance are the reason we are here.