By Vasudev Ram
Peewee => PDF
Peewee is a small, expressive ORM for Python, created by Charles Leifer.
After trying out Peewee a bit, I thought of writing another application of xtopdf (my Python toolkit for PDF creation), to publish Peewee data to PDF. I used an SQLite database underlying the Peewee ORM, but it also supports MySQL and PostgreSQL, per the docs. Here is the program, in file
I ran the program with:
- Enjoy.
- Vasudev Ram - Online Python training and consultingGet updates on my software products / ebooks / courses. Jump to posts: Python DLang xtopdfSubscribe to my blog by emailMy ActiveState recipesFlyWheel - Managed WordPress Hosting
Peewee => PDF
Peewee is a small, expressive ORM for Python, created by Charles Leifer.
After trying out Peewee a bit, I thought of writing another application of xtopdf (my Python toolkit for PDF creation), to publish Peewee data to PDF. I used an SQLite database underlying the Peewee ORM, but it also supports MySQL and PostgreSQL, per the docs. Here is the program, in file
# PeeweeToPDF.pyI could have used Python's namedtuple feature instead of tuples, but did not do it for this small program.
# Purpose: To show basics of publishing Peewee ORM data to PDF.
# Requires: Peewee ORM and xtopdf.
# Author: Vasudev Ram
# Copyright 2016 Vasudev Ram
# Web site:
# Blog:
# Product store:
from peewee import *
from PDFWriter import PDFWriter
def print_and_write(pw, s):
print s
# Define the database.
db = SqliteDatabase('contacts.db')
# Define the model for contacts.
class Contact(Model):
name = CharField()
age = IntegerField()
skills = CharField()
title = CharField()
class Meta:
database = db
# Connect to the database.
# Drop the Contact table if it exists.
# Create the Contact table.
# Define some contact rows.
contacts = (
('Albert Einstein', 22, 'Science', 'Physicist'),
('Benjamin Franklin', 32, 'Many', 'Polymath'),
('Samuel Johnson', 42, 'Writing', 'Writer')
# Save the contact rows to the contacts table.
for contact in contacts:
c = Contact(name=contact[0], age=contact[1], \
skills=contact[2], title=contact[3])
sep = '-' * (20 + 5 + 10 + 15)
# Publish the contact rows to PDF.
with PDFWriter('contacts.pdf') as pw:
pw.setFont('Courier', 12)
pw.setHeader('Demo of publishing Peewee ORM data to PDF')
pw.setFooter('Generated by xtopdf:')
print_and_write(pw, sep)
"Name".ljust(20) + "Age".center(5) +
"Skills".ljust(10) + "Title".ljust(15))
print_and_write(pw, sep)
# Loop over all rows queried from the contacts table.
for contact in
print_and_write(pw, +
str(contact.age).center(5) +
contact.skills.ljust(10) +
print_and_write(pw, sep)
# Close the database connection.
I ran the program with:
python PeeweeToPDF.pyHere is a screenshot of the output as seen in Foxit PDF Reader (click image to enlarge):
- Enjoy.
- Vasudev Ram - Online Python training and consultingGet updates on my software products / ebooks / courses. Jump to posts: Python DLang xtopdfSubscribe to my blog by emailMy ActiveState recipesFlyWheel - Managed WordPress Hosting