Python 3 has a nice feature – type annotations:
That can be used by IDEs and stuff like mypy for type checking. However we can easily access it:
And use it for things like dependency injection. For example we have a web app:
Looks a bit Java-like with interfaces (abstract classes, abc), but it’s useful in huge apps. However components are tightly coupled, and we need to use monkey patching for testing it.
Let’s examine annotations:
We can see that the function requires abc.DBConnection
and provides
. We need to track all functions like this, it’ll be easy with
some decorator:
fromweakrefimportWeakValueDictionary_provides=WeakValueDictionary()defprovides(fn):"""Register function that provides something."""try:_provides[fn.__annotations__['return']]=fnexceptKeyError:raiseValueError('Function not annotated.')returnfn
We use WeakValueDictionary
in case function somehow can be deleted.
Let’s apply this decorator:
And move dependencies of main function to arguments:
So we can think about our functions as a graph:
And we can easily write injector that resolve and inject dependencies:
classInjector:"""Resolve and inject dependencies."""def__init__(self):self._resolved={}def_get_value(self,name):"""Get dependency by name (type)."""ifnamenotin_provides:raiseValueError("Dependency {} not registered.".format(name))ifnamenotinself._resolved:fn=_provides[name]kwargs=self._get_dependencies(fn)returnfn(**kwargs)returnself._resolved[name]def_get_dependencies(self,fn):"""Get dependencies for function."""return{key:self._get_value(value)forkey,valueinfn.__annotations__.items()ifkey!='return'}defrun(self,fn):"""Resolve dependencies and run function."""kwargs=self._get_dependencies(fn)returnfn(**kwargs)
So we can make our app work by adding:
Although this approach is simple and straightforward, it’s overkill for most of apps.