Today is Volunteer Responsibility Amnesty Day where I spend some time taking stock of things and maybe move some projects to the done pile.
In June, I ran a Volunteer Responsibility Amnesty Day[1] for Mozilla Data Org because the idea really struck a chord with me and we were about to embark on 2022h2 where one of the goals was to "land planes" and finish projects. I managed to pass off Dennis and end Puente. I also spent some time mulling over better models for maintaining a lot of libraries.
[1]I gave the post an exceedingly long slug. I wish I had thought about future me typing that repeatedly and made it shorter like I did this time around.
This time around, I'm just organizing myself.
Here's the list of things I'm maintaining in some way that aren't the big services that I work on:
- bleach
- what is it:
Bleach is an allowed-list-based HTML sanitizing Python library.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
more on this next year
- everett
- what is it:
Python configuration library.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on
- markus
- what is it:
Python metrics library.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on
- fillmore
- what is it:
Python library for scrubbing Sentry events.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on
- kent
- what is it:
Fake Sentry server for local development.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on, but would be happy to pass this off
- sphinx-js
- what is it:
Sphinx extension for documenting JavaScript and TypeScript.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on
- crashstats-tools
- what is it:
Command line utilities for interacting with Crash Stats
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on
- paul-mclendahand
- what is it:
Utility for combining GitHub pull requests.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on
- rob-bugson
- what is it:
Firefox addon for attaching GitHub pull requests to Bugzilla.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on
- fx-crash-sig
- what is it:
Python library for symbolicating stacks and generating crash signatures.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on for now, but figure out a better long term plan
- siggen
- what is it:
Python library for generating crash signatures.
- role:
- keep doing:
- next step:
keep on keepin on
- mozilla-django-oidc
- what is it:
Django OpenID Connect library.
- role:
contributor (I maintain docker-test-mozilla-django-oidc
- keep doing:
- next step:
think about dropping this at some point
That's too many things. I need to pare the list down. There are a few I could probably sunset, but not any time soon.
I'm also thinking about a maintenance model where I'm squishing it all into a burst of activity for all the libraries around some predictable event like Python major releases.
I tried that out this fall and did a release of everything except Bleach (more on that next year) and rob-bugson which is a Firefox addon. I think I'll do that going forward. I need to document it somewhere so as to avoid the pestering of "Is this project active?" issues. I'll do that next year.