#555 – DECEMBER 13, 2022
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Package Python Code With pyproject.toml
& Listing Files With pathlib
How do you start packaging your code with pyproject.toml
? Would you like to join a conversation that gently walks you through setting up your Python projects to share? This week on the show, Christopher Trudeau is here, bringing another batch of PyCoder’s Weekly articles and projects.
Who Controls Parallelism? A Disagreement Causing Slowdowns
In complex systems there may be a fight between the parallelism in your code vs the parallelism in the libraries you’re using. This fight can cause things to slow down. This article shows some examples and what you can do about it.
Time Series Forecasting Methods
Time series data runs almost every technology. With this massive amount of data, developers can now better infer what has happened to their data in the past and attempt to predict future values. Read the article to get an overview of time series forecasting methods, and how to validate models →
Make a Mastodon Bot on AWS Free Tier
This article walks you through everything you need to know to get a Mastodon bot set up in on the AWS Free tier through DynamoDB and AWS Lambdas.
Python Jobs
Software Engineer - Weissman Lab (Cambridge, MA, USA)
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Articles & Tutorials
I/O Is No Longer the Bottleneck
A common interview question Ben asks candidates is to write a program that counts the frequency of words in a file, as a follow-up question he asks where the bottleneck is in the code. The most common answer, I/O, is not necessarily true on modern hardware. Read on to see the comparisons between Python and GO and where the program actually spends its time.
Django Settings Patterns to Avoid
The settings module is key to getting your Django project up and running, storing the info your project needs to run. As with all code, there are both good and bad habits. This article details some of the patterns you should avoid.
Find Your Next Tech Job Through Hired
Hired has 1000s of companies, from startups to Fortune 500s, who are hiring developers, data scientists, mobile engineers, and more. Create a profile with your skills and preferences for hiring managers to reach you directly. Sign up today!
Simplicity Is an Advantage but Sadly Complexity Sells Better
This opinion piece from Eugene Yan discusses why complexity is often touted over simplicity: the effort is more obvious and therefore must be superior. This is a trap in thinking. Eugene makes the tougher argument for simplicity.
Python Basics: Dictionaries
One of the most useful data structures in Python is the dictionary. In this video course, you’ll learn what a dictionary is, how dictionaries differ from lists and tuples, and how to define and use dictionaries in your own code.
Make Beautiful QR Codes in Python
QR codes don’t have to look ‘industrial’ and they’re trivially easy to create in Python. This article focuses on personal, social, and human applications for the trusty old QR code.
PETE FISON• Shared by Pete Fison
Getting Started With PyTorch 2.0
PyTorch has released a new Getting Started guide with all the info you need to begin your PyTorch 2.0 journey.
Projects & Code
Python North East
December 14, 2022
Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)
December 14, 2022
PyData Bristol Meetup
December 15, 2022
PyLadies Dublin
December 15, 2022
Python Pizza Holguín
December 17 to December 18, 2022
Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #555.
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