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<p><strong>About the show</strong></p>
<p>Sponsored by <a href="http://pythonbytes.fm/foundershub2022"><strong>Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Connect with the hosts</strong></p>
<li>Michael: <a href="https://fosstodon.org/@mkennedy"><strong>@mkennedy@fosstodon.org</strong></a></li>
<li>Brian: <a href="https://fosstodon.org/@brianokken"><strong>@brianokken@fosstodon.org</strong></a></li>
<p><strong>Brian #1:</strong> <a href="https://github.com/willmcgugan/faqtory"><strong>FAQtory</strong></a></p>
<li>Will McGugan</li>
<li>“FAQtory is a tool to auto-generate a <a href="https://github.com/willmcgugan/faqtory/blob/main/FAQ.md">FAQ.md</a> (Frequently Asked Questions) document for your project.</li>
<li>FAQtory has a FAQ.md written by itself, so you can see an example of the project in the project.</li>
<li>Builds a markdown FAQ.md that includes questions at the top that link to answers below.</li>
<li>“Additionally, a ‘suggest’ feature uses fuzzy matching to reply to GitHub issues with suggestions from your FAQ.”
<li>I haven’t tried this part, but looking forward to it. </li>
<li>May help to answer GH issues that are really questions.</li>
<p><strong>Michael #2:</strong> <a href="https://mkennedy.codes/posts/paying-for-search-in-2022-am-i-crazy/"><strong>Kagi search "live with it” report</strong></a></p>
<li>Still enjoying it a lot</li>
<li>Very fast</li>
<li>LOVE blocking SEO-heavy, content-light sites</li>
<li>Maps are rough around the edges</li>
<li>Not obvious how to set as a private/incognito search engine (but can be done in settings)</li>
<li>They have browser extensions - but I don't want to install extensions
<li>I only use 1password & zoom</li>
<li>It could use some documentation however (e.g. supports !’s, but what are they?)</li>
<li>Being tempted by Orion too, but sticking with Vivaldi.</li>
<p><strong>Brian #3:</strong> <a href="https://lukeplant.me.uk/blog/posts/tools-for-rewriting-python-code/"><strong>Tools for rewriting Python code</strong></a></p>
<li>Luke Plant</li>
<li>A collection of tools change your code (hopefully for the better)</li>
<li>Several categories
<li>formatting and coding style - black, isort, …</li>
<li>upgrades - pyupgrade, flynt, …
<li>we need one to convert from setup.py/setup.cfg to pyproject.toml</li>
<li>type hints - auto type hints? cool. maybe.
<li>I haven’t tried any of these, but they look interesting</li>
<li>refactoring, editors, rope, jedi </li>
<li>other - autoflake, shed, …</li>
<li>write your own, with <a href="https://libcst.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html">LibCST</a></li>
<p><strong>Michael #4:</strong> <a href="https://github.com/cirospaciari/socketify.py"><strong>Socketify</strong></a></p>
<li>Bringing WebSockets, Http/Https High Performance servers for PyPy3 and Python3</li>
<li><a href="https://fosstodon.org/@cirospaciari/109478126464572966"><strong>A new record</strong></a> for Python no other Web Framework as able to reach 6.2 mi requests per second before in @TFBenchmarks 🥇 🏆 </li>
<li>This puts Python in the same ballpark than #golang, #Rust and #C++.</li>
<p><strong>Extras</strong> </p>
<li>watching <a href="https://github.com/brettcannon/mousebender">mousebender</a> from Brett Cannon
<li>BTW, releases watching is cool. Probably a decent reason to use GH releases feature.</li>
<li>Python Developer’s Guide has a visual of the <a href="https://devguide.python.org/versions/">Python Versions</a> and release cycle.
<li>Shows the stages of releases: end-of-life, security, bugfix, feature</li>
<li>Next end-of-life is Python 3.7 on 27-June-2023</li>
<li><a href="https://devguide.python.org/versions/#status-key">Great descriptions of what all these terms mean</a> at the bottom</li>
<li>Michael’s latest post: <a href="https://mkennedy.codes/posts/sometimes-you-should-build-it-yourself/">Sometimes, You Should Build It Yourself</a> </li>
<li>Trying <a href="https://proton.me">all in on proton</a> for personal stuff</li>
<li><a href="https://bunny.net/blog/bringing-privacy-back-into-your-own-hands-introducing-bunny-fonts/">Bunny fonts</a></li>
<li><a href="https://fosstodon.org/@brianarbuckle/109496585374260058">AI Stand up Comedy</a></li>
<p><strong>Joke:</strong> <a href="https://twitter.com/goodside/status/1598129631609380864"><strong>Wise guy, eh?</strong></a></p>