#550 – NOVEMBER 8, 2022
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Where Exactly Does Python 3.11 Get Its Speedup?
This deep dive into Python 3.11’s speed-up walks you through nine different optimizations that contribute to the 25% performance improvement in CPython.
Python Basics: Scopes
In this video course, you’ll learn what scope is and why it’s important to coding functions and loops in Python. You’ll also get to know the LEGB rule.
Try atoti, a Free Collaborative Python BI Analytics Platform
atoti is a BI analytics platform combining a python library and a web application helping Quants, Data Analyst, Data Scientist and Business Users to collaborate, analyze and translate their data into business KPIs →
Getting Started With Google APIs in Python
A crash course in using Python and Google APIs to automate all the things you do with Gmail, Google Drive, Calendar, or any other Google API
MARTIN HEINZ• Shared by Martin Heinz
Python Jobs
Software Engineer - Weissman Lab (Cambridge, MA, USA)
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Senior Software Engineer (Python, Qt, Linux) (Anywhere)
Content Operations Manager (Anywhere)
Articles & Tutorials
More Suspicious PyPI Packages
Researchers at Phylum have come across over a dozen new malicious uploads to PyPI. Many of them are copy-pasted versions of legitimate packages that have been renamed and had malicious code inserted. This detailed article shows some of the tactics used by the black-hats.
Adding a GraphQL API to Starlette Using Strawberry
GraphQL has become the de facto standard for servers to offer APIs to clients, due to the flexibility it offers. This article talks about how you can build a GraphQL API in a Starlette application using Strawberry, a new GraphQL library inspired by dataclasses.
GENIEPY.COM• Shared by Siddhant Goel
Find Your Next Tech Job Through Hired
Hired has 1000s of companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s that are actively hiring developers, data scientists, mobile engineers, and more. It’s really simple: create a profile with your skills and preferences for hiring managers to reach you directly. Sign up today →
Ten Tasty Ingredients for a Delicious Pull Request
LB is a core team member of the open source project Wagtail, and as such has a lot of experience dealing with community contributions. This article talks about how to be a good contributor whether for your next OSS PR or within your own organization.
Web Automation: Don’t Use Selenium, Use Playwright
Playwright is an open source alternative to Selenium created by Microsoft. It includes click-and-record functionality that directly generates a Python script. Read on for why Shantnu recommends it.
Should You Update to the Latest Python Bugfix Version?
What’s the significance of the third digit in a Python version number? In this tutorial, you’ll learn more about Python bugfix versions and whether you need to care about them.
The Meaning of “Invalid Syntax”
Python’s “invalid syntax” error message comes up often, especially when you’re first learning Python. What usually causes this error and how can you fix it?
The Right and Wrong Way to Set Python 3 as Default on a Mac
“There are several ways to get started with Python 3 on macOS, but one way is better than the others.” Learn the approaches and which you should choose.
Getting Started With InfluxDB and Pandas
In this tutorial, learn how to query from an InfluxDB instance, return the data as a DataFrame
, and explore some data science resources to help you take advantage of the Pandas functionality.
Caching Trick for Python Web Applications
This brief article shows you how to use context managers to provide caching tools information on how long items should stay in memory.
Method Chaining in Pandas: Bad Form or a Recipe for Success?
Python trainer Matt Harrison has been creating a bit of a stir. Some of his pandas examples have elicited criticism from different folks in the Twitterverse. Dave Amos interviews Matt to discuss the pros and cons of his approach.
DAVID AMOS• Shared by David Amos
Projects & Code
Santa Cruz Python Meetup
November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022
Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)
November 9, 2022
PyCon Ireland 2022
November 12 to November 14, 2022
PyChain 2022
November 15 to November 16, 2022
Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #550.
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