I am glad to announce a new set of Tryton integration packages for Debian that allows one to setup a production grade Tryton environment with a guided setup.
The new available packages are
This package helps in the creation and setup of a PostgreSQL database
for the Tryton server.tryton-server-uwsgi
This package helps in the creation and setup of an uWSGI frontend/backend
for the Tryton server. Additionally it allows one to configure
uWSGI daemons for Tryton workers and cron.tryton-server-nginx
This package helps in the creation and setup of an Nginx frontend
for the Tryton uWSGI server. It also offers the automatic registration andd renewal of a configured domain with Letsenscrypt certificates.tryton-server-all-in-one
This package makes finally use of all the above packages to setup a
ready-to-use production grade Tryton server environment including
a database filled in with primary static data like countries,
currencies and postal codes.
The packages are available for Tryton series 6.0
- for Debian unstable and testing (bookworm) from Debian mirrors
- Backports for Debian stable (bullseye) and oldstable (buster) from tryton.debian.net. (Please have a look at the Debian Tryton Team Documentation how to configure your Debian system for their usage).
Thanks go to Freexian for supporting the development of this packages.
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