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PyPy: Implementing a Toy Optimizer


In this blog post I want to show the complete code (in Python3) of how a very simple optimizer for sequences of operations can work. These algorithms could be part of a (really simple) compiler, or a JIT. The architecture of the code in this blog post is very similar to that of the trace optimizer of the PyPy JIT: After a trace is produced, is is optimized before being sent to the machine code backend that produces binary instructions for the CPU architecture that PyPy is running on.

To get started, the first thing we need to do is define how our operations are stored. The format that a compiler uses to store the program while it is being optimized is usually called its intermediate representation (IR). Many production compilers use IRs that are in the Static Single-Assignment Form (SSA), and we will also use that. SSA form has the property that every variable is assigned to exactly once, and every variable is defined before it is used. This simplifies many things.

Let's make this concrete. If our input program is a complex expressions, such as a * (b + 17) + (b + 17) the intermediate representation of that (or at least its text representation) would maybe be something like:

var1 = add(b, 17)
var2 = mul(a, var1)
var3 = add(b, 17)
var4 = add(var2, var3)

This sequence of instructions is inefficient. The operation add(b, 17) is computed twice and we can save time by removing the second one and only computing it once. In this post I want to show an optimizer that can do this (and some related) optimizations.

Looking at the IR we notice that the input expression has been linearized into a sequence of operations, and all the intermedia results have been given unique variable names. The value that every variable is assigned is computed by the right hand side, which is some operation consisting of an operand and an arbitrary number of arguments. The arguments of an operation are either themselves variables or constants.

I will not at all talk about the process of translating the input program into the IR. Instead, I will assume we have some component that does this translation already. The tests in this blog post will construct small snippets of IR by hand. I also won't talk about what happens after the optimization (usually the optimized IR is translated into machine code).

Implementing the Intermediate Representation

Let's start modelling the intermediate representation with Python classes. First we define a base class of all values that can be used as arguments in operations, and let's also add a class that represents constants:


One consequence of the fact that every variable is assigned to only once is that variables are in a one-to-one correspondence with the right-hand-side of their unique assignments. That means that we don't need a class that represents variables at all. Instead, it's sufficient to have a class that represents an operation (the right-hand side), and that by definition is the same as the variable (left-hand side) that it defines:

classOperation(Value):def__init__(self,name:str,args:list[Value]):self.name=nameself.args=argsdef__repr__(self):returnf"Operation({self.name}, {self.args})"defarg(self,index:int):returnself.args[index]

Now we can instantiate these two classes to represent the example sequence of operations above:

deftest_construct_example():# first we need something to represent# "a" and "b". In our limited view, we don't# know where they come from, so we will define# them with a pseudo-operation called "getarg"# which takes a number n as an argument and# returns the n-th input argument. The proper# SSA way to do this would be phi-nodes.a=Operation("getarg",[Constant(0)])b=Operation("getarg",[Constant(1)])# var1 = add(b, 17)var1=Operation("add",[b,Constant(17)])# var2 = mul(a, var1)var2=Operation("mul",[a,var1])# var3 = add(b, 17)var3=Operation("add",[b,Constant(17)])# var4 = add(var2, var3)var4=Operation("add",[var2,var3])sequence=[a,b,var1,var2,var3,var4]# nothing to test really, it shouldn't crash

Usually, complicated programs are represented as a control flow graph in a compiler, which represents all the possible paths that control can take while executing the program. Every node in the control flow graph is a basic block. A basic block is a linear sequence of operations with no control flow inside of it.

When optimizing a program, a compiler usually looks at the whole control flow graph of a function. However, that is still too complicated! So let's simplify further and look at only at optimizations we can do when looking at a single basic block and its sequence of instructions (they are called local optimizations).

Let's define a class representing basic blocks and let's also add some convenience functions for constructing sequences of operations, because the code in test_construct_example is a bit annoying.

classBlock(list):defopbuilder(opname):defwraparg(arg):ifnotisinstance(arg,Value):arg=Constant(arg)returnargdefbuild(self,*args):# construct an Operation, wrap the# arguments in Constants if necessaryop=Operation(opname,[wraparg(arg)forarginargs])# add it to self, the basic blockself.append(op)returnopreturnbuild# a bunch of operations we supportadd=opbuilder("add")mul=opbuilder("mul")getarg=opbuilder("getarg")dummy=opbuilder("dummy")lshift=opbuilder("lshift")deftest_convencience_block_construction():bb=Block()# a again with getarg, the following line# defines the Operation instance and# immediately adds it to the basic block bba=bb.getarg(0)assertlen(bb)==1assertbb[0].name=="getarg"# it's a Constantassertbb[0].args[0].value==0# b with getargb=bb.getarg(1)# var1 = add(b, 17)var1=bb.add(b,17)# var2 = mul(a, var1)var2=bb.mul(a,var1)# var3 = add(b, 17)var3=bb.add(b,17)# var4 = add(var2, var3)var4=bb.add(var2,var3)assertlen(bb)==6

That's a good bit of infrastructure to make the tests easy to write. One thing we are lacking though is a way to print the basic blocks into a nicely readable textual representation. Because in the current form, the repr of a Block is very annoying, the output of pretty-printing bb in the test above looks like this:


It's impossible to see what is going on here, because the Operations in the basic block appear several times, once as elements of the list but then also as arguments to operations further down in the list. So we need some code that turns things back into a readable textual representation, so we have a chance to debug.

defbb_to_str(bb:Block,varprefix:str="var"):# the implementation is not too important,# look at the test below to see what the# result looks likedefarg_to_str(arg:Value):ifisinstance(arg,Constant):returnstr(arg.value)else:# the key must exist, otherwise it's# not a valid SSA basic block:# the variable must be defined before# its first usereturnvarnames[arg]varnames={}res=[]forindex,opinenumerate(bb):# give the operation a name used while# printing:var=f"{varprefix}{index}"varnames[op]=vararguments=", ".join(arg_to_str(op.arg(i))foriinrange(len(op.args)))strop=f"{var} = {op.name}({arguments})"res.append(strop)return"\n".join(res)deftest_basicblock_to_str():bb=Block()var0=bb.getarg(0)var1=bb.add(5,4)var2=bb.add(var1,var0)assertbb_to_str(bb)=="""\var0 = getarg(0)var1 = add(5, 4)var2 = add(var1, var0)"""# with a different prefix for the invented# variable names:assertbb_to_str(bb,"x")=="""\x0 = getarg(0)x1 = add(5, 4)x2 = add(x1, x0)"""# and our running example:bb=Block()a=bb.getarg(0)b=bb.getarg(1)var1=bb.add(b,17)var2=bb.mul(a,var1)var3=bb.add(b,17)var4=bb.add(var2,var3)assertbb_to_str(bb,"v")=="""\v0 = getarg(0)v1 = getarg(1)v2 = add(v1, 17)v3 = mul(v0, v2)v4 = add(v1, 17)v5 = add(v3, v4)"""# Note the re-numbering of the variables! We# don't attach names to Operations at all, so# the printing will just number them in# sequence, can sometimes be a source of# confusion.

This is much better. Now we're done with the basic infrastructure, we can define sequences of operations and print them in a readable way. Next we need a central data structure that is used when actually optimizing basic blocks.

Storing Equivalences between Operations Using a Union-Find Data Structure

When optimizing a sequence of operations, we want to make it less costly to execute. For that we typically want to remove operations (and sometimes replace operations with less expensive ones). We can remove operations if they do redundant computation, like case of the duplicate add(v1, 17) in the example. So what we want to do is to turn the running input sequence:

v0 = getarg(0)
v1 = getarg(1)
v2 = add(v1, 17)
v3 = mul(v0, v2)
v4 = add(v1, 17)
v5 = add(v3, v4)

Into the following optimized output sequence:

optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = getarg(1)
optvar2 = add(optvar1, 17)
optvar3 = mul(optvar0, optvar2)
optvar4 = add(optvar3, optvar2)

We left out the second add (which defines v4), and then replaced the usage of v4 with v2 in the final operation that defines v5.

What we effectively did was discover that v2 and v4 are equivalent and then replaced v4 with v2. In general, we might discover more such equivalences, and we need a data structure to store them. A good data structure to store these equivalences is Union Find (also called Disjoint-set data structure), which stores a collection of disjoint sets. Disjoint means, that no operation can appear in more than one set. The sets in our concrete case are the sets of operations that compute the same result.

When we start out, every operation is in its own singleton set, with no other member. As we discover more equivalences, we will unify sets into larger sets of operations that all compute the same result. So one operation the data structure supports is union, to unify two sets, we'll call that make_equal_to in the code below.

The other operation the data structure supports is find, which takes an operation and returns a "representative" of the set of all equivalent operations. Two operations are in the same set, if the representative that find returns for them is the same.

The exact details of how the data structure works are only sort of important (even though it's very cool, I promise!). It's OK to skip over the implementation. We will add the data structure right into our Value, Constant and Operation classes:

classValue:deffind(self):raiseNotImplementedError("abstract")def_set_forwarded(self,value:Value):raiseNotImplementedError("abstract")classOperation(Value):def__init__(self,name:str,args:list[Value]):self.name=nameself.args=argsself.forwarded=Nonedef__repr__(self):return(f"Operation({self.name},"f"{self.args}, {self.forwarded})")deffind(self)->Value:# returns the "representative" value of# self, in the union-find senseop=selfwhileisinstance(op,Operation):# could do path compression here too# but not essentialnext=op.forwardedifnextisNone:returnopop=nextreturnopdefarg(self,index):# change to above: return the# representative of argument 'index'returnself.args[index].find()defmake_equal_to(self,value:Value):# this is "union" in the union-find sense,# but the direction is important! The# representative of the union of Operations# must be either a Constant or an operation# that we know for sure is not optimized# away.self.find()._set_forwarded(value)def_set_forwarded(self,value:Value):self.forwarded=valueclassConstant(Value):def__init__(self,value:Any):self.value=valuedef__repr__(self):returnf"Constant({self.value})"deffind(self):returnselfdef_set_forwarded(self,value:Value):# if we found out that an Operation is# equal to a constant, it's a compiler bug# to find out that it's equal to another# constantassertisinstance(value,Constant)and \
value.value==self.valuedeftest_union_find():# construct three operation, and unify them# step by stepbb=Block()a1=bb.dummy(1)a2=bb.dummy(2)a3=bb.dummy(3)# at the beginning, every op is its own# representative, that means every# operation is in a singleton set# {a1} {a2} {a3}asserta1.find()isa1asserta2.find()isa2asserta3.find()isa3# now we unify a2 and a1, then the sets are# {a1, a2} {a3}a2.make_equal_to(a1)# they both return a1 as the representativeasserta1.find()isa1asserta2.find()isa1# a3 is still differentasserta3.find()isa3# now they are all in the same set {a1, a2, a3}a3.make_equal_to(a2)asserta1.find()isa1asserta2.find()isa1asserta3.find()isa1# now they are still all the same, and we# also learned that they are the same as the# constant 6# the single remaining set then is# {6, a1, a2, a3}c=Constant(6)a2.make_equal_to(c)asserta1.find()iscasserta2.find()iscasserta3.find()isc# union with the same constant again is finea2.make_equal_to(c)

Constant Folding

Now comes the first actual optimization, a simple constant folding pass. It will remove operations where all the arguments are constants and replace them with the constant result.

Every pass has the same structure: we go over all operations in the basic block in order and decide for each operation whether it can be removed. For the constant folding pass, we can remove all the operations with constant arguments (but we'll implement only the add case here).

I will show a buggy version of the constant folding pass first. It has a problem that is related to why we need the union-find data structure. We will fix it a bit further down.

defconstfold_buggy(bb:Block)->Block:opt_bb=Block()foropinbb:# basic idea: go over the list and do# constant folding of add where possibleifop.name=="add":arg0=op.args[0]arg1=op.args[1]ifisinstance(arg0,Constant)and \
isinstance(arg1,Constant):# can constant-fold! that means we# learned a new equality, namely# that op is equal to a specific# constantvalue=arg0.value+arg1.valueop.make_equal_to(Constant(value))# don't need to have the operation# in the optimized basic blockcontinue# otherwise the operation is not# constant-foldable and we put into the# output listopt_bb.append(op)returnopt_bbdeftest_constfold_simple():bb=Block()var0=bb.getarg(0)var1=bb.add(5,4)var2=bb.add(var1,var0)opt_bb=constfold_buggy(bb)assertbb_to_str(opt_bb,"optvar")=="""\optvar0 = getarg(0)optvar1 = add(9, optvar0)"""@pytest.mark.xfaildeftest_constfold_buggy_limitation():# this test fails! it shows the problem with# the above simple constfold_buggy passbb=Block()var0=bb.getarg(0)# this is foldedvar1=bb.add(5,4)# we want this folded too, but it doesn't workvar2=bb.add(var1,10)var3=bb.add(var2,var0)opt_bb=constfold_buggy(bb)assertbb_to_str(opt_bb,"optvar")=="""\optvar0 = getarg(0)optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""

Why does the test fail? The opt_bb printed output looks like this:

optvar0 = getarg(0)
optvar1 = add(9, 10)
optvar2 = add(optvar1, optvar0)

The problem is that when we optimize the second addition in constfold_buggy, the argument of that operation is an Operation not a Constant, so constant-folding is not applied to the second add. However, we have already learned that the argument var1 to the operation var2 is equal to Constant(9). This information is stored in the union-find data structure. So what we are missing are suitable find calls in the constant folding pass, to make use of the previously learned equalities.

Here's the fixed version:

defconstfold(bb:Block)->Block:opt_bb=Block()foropinbb:# basic idea: go over the list and do# constant folding of add where possibleifop.name=="add":# >>> changedarg0=op.arg(0)# uses .find()arg1=op.arg(1)# uses .find()# <<< end changesifisinstance(arg0,Constant)and \
isinstance(arg1,Constant):# can constant-fold! that means we# learned a new equality, namely# that op is equal to a specific# constantvalue=arg0.value+arg1.valueop.make_equal_to(Constant(value))# don't need to have the operation# in the optimized basic blockcontinue# otherwise the operation is not# constant-foldable and we put into the# output listopt_bb.append(op)returnopt_bbdeftest_constfold_two_ops():# now it works!bb=Block()var0=bb.getarg(0)var1=bb.add(5,4)var2=bb.add(var1,10)var3=bb.add(var2,var0)opt_bb=constfold(bb)assertbb_to_str(opt_bb,"optvar")=="""\optvar0 = getarg(0)optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""

Common Subexpression Elimination

The constfold pass only discovers equalities between Operations and Constants. Let's do a second pass that also discovers equalities between Operations and other Operations.

A simple optimization that does that has this property common subexpression elimination (CSE), which will finally optimize away the problem in the introductory example code that we had above.

defcse(bb:Block)->Block:# structure is the same, loop over the input,# add some but not all operations to the# outputopt_bb=Block()foropinbb:# only do CSE for add here, but it# generalizesifop.name=="add":arg0=op.arg(0)arg1=op.arg(1)# Check whether we have emitted the# same operation alreadyprev_op=find_prev_add_op(arg0,arg1,opt_bb)ifprev_opisnotNone:# if yes, we can optimize op away# and replace it with the earlier# result, which is an Operation# that was already emitted to# opt_bbop.make_equal_to(prev_op)continueopt_bb.append(op)returnopt_bbdefeq_value(val0,val1):ifisinstance(val0,Constant)and \
isinstance(val1,Constant):# constants compare by their valuereturnval0.value==val1.value# everything else by identityreturnval0isval1deffind_prev_add_op(arg0:Value,arg1:Value,opt_bb:Block)->Optional[Operation]:# Really naive and quadratic implementation.# What we do is walk over the already emitted# operations and see whether we emitted an add# with the current arguments already. A real# implementation might use a hashmap of some# kind, or at least only look at a limited# window of instructions.foropt_opinopt_bb:ifopt_op.name!="add":continue# It's important to call arg here,# for the same reason why we# needed it in constfold: we need to# make sure .find() is calledifeq_value(arg0,opt_op.arg(0))and \
eq_value(arg1,opt_op.arg(1)):returnopt_opreturnNonedeftest_cse():bb=Block()a=bb.getarg(0)b=bb.getarg(1)var1=bb.add(b,17)var2=bb.mul(a,var1)var3=bb.add(b,17)var4=bb.add(var2,var3)opt_bb=cse(bb)assertbb_to_str(opt_bb,"optvar")=="""\optvar0 = getarg(0)optvar1 = getarg(1)optvar2 = add(optvar1, 17)optvar3 = mul(optvar0, optvar2)optvar4 = add(optvar3, optvar2)"""

Strength Reduction

Now we have one pass that replaces Operations with Constants and one that replaces Operations with previously existing Operations. Let's now do one final pass that replaces Operations by newly invented Operations, a simple strength reduction. This one will be simple.

defstrength_reduce(bb:Block)->Block:opt_bb=Block()foropinbb:ifop.name=="add":arg0=op.arg(0)arg1=op.arg(1)ifarg0isarg1:# x + x turns into x << 1newop=opt_bb.lshift(arg0,1)op.make_equal_to(newop)continueopt_bb.append(op)returnopt_bbdeftest_strength_reduce():bb=Block()var0=bb.getarg(0)var1=bb.add(var0,var0)opt_bb=strength_reduce(bb)assertbb_to_str(opt_bb,"optvar")=="""\optvar0 = getarg(0)optvar1 = lshift(optvar0, 1)"""

Putting Things Together

Let's combine the passes into one single pass, so that we are going over all the operations only exactly once, instead of having to look at every operation once for all the different passes.

defoptimize(bb:Block)->Block:opt_bb=Block()foropinbb:ifop.name=="add":arg0=op.arg(0)arg1=op.arg(1)# constant foldingifisinstance(arg0,Constant)and \
isinstance(arg1,Constant):value=arg0.value+arg1.valueop.make_equal_to(Constant(value))continue# cseprev_op=find_prev_add_op(arg0,arg1,opt_bb)ifprev_opisnotNone:op.make_equal_to(prev_op)continue# strength reduce:# x + x turns into x << 1ifarg0isarg1:newop=opt_bb.lshift(arg0,1)op.make_equal_to(newop)continue# and while we are at it, let's do some# arithmetic simplification:# a + 0 => aifeq_value(arg0,Constant(0)):op.make_equal_to(arg1)continueifeq_value(arg1,Constant(0)):op.make_equal_to(arg0)continueopt_bb.append(op)returnopt_bbdeftest_single_pass():bb=Block()# constant foldingvar0=bb.getarg(0)var1=bb.add(5,4)var2=bb.add(var1,10)var3=bb.add(var2,var0)opt_bb=optimize(bb)assertbb_to_str(opt_bb,"optvar")=="""\optvar0 = getarg(0)optvar1 = add(19, optvar0)"""# cse + strength reductionbb=Block()var0=bb.getarg(0)var1=bb.getarg(1)var2=bb.add(var0,var1)var3=bb.add(var0,var1)# the same as var3var4=bb.add(var2,2)var5=bb.add(var3,2)# the same as var4var6=bb.add(var4,var5)opt_bb=optimize(bb)assertbb_to_str(opt_bb,"optvar")=="""\optvar0 = getarg(0)optvar1 = getarg(1)optvar2 = add(optvar0, optvar1)optvar3 = add(optvar2, 2)optvar4 = lshift(optvar3, 1)"""# removing + 0bb=Block()var0=bb.getarg(0)var1=bb.add(16,-16)var2=bb.add(var0,var1)var3=bb.add(0,var2)var4=bb.add(var2,var3)opt_bb=optimize(bb)assertbb_to_str(opt_bb,"optvar")=="""\optvar0 = getarg(0)optvar1 = lshift(optvar0, 1)"""


That's it for now. Why is this architecture cool? From a software engineering point of view, sticking everything into a single function like in optimize above is obviously not great, and if you wanted to do this for real you would try to split the cases into different functions that are individually digestible, or even use a DSL that makes the pattern matching much more readable. But the advantage of the architecture is that it's quite efficient, it makes it possible to pack a lot of good optimizations into a single pass over a basic block.

Of course this works even better if you are in a tracing context, where everything is put into a trace, which is basically one incredibly long basic block. In a JIT context it's also quite important that the optimizer itself runs quickly.

Various other optimizations are possible in this model. I plan to write a follow-up post that show how to implement what is arguably PyPy's most important optimization.

Some Further Pointers

This post is only a short introduction and is taking some shortcuts, I wanted to also give some (non-exhaustive) pointers to more general literature about the touched topics.

The approach to CSE described here is usually can be seen as value numbering, it's normally really implemented with a hashmap though. Here's a paper that describes various styles of implementing that, even beyond a single basic block. The paper also partly takes the perspective of discovering equivalence classes of operations that compute the same result.

A technique that leans even more fully into finding equivalences between operations is using e-graphs and then applying equality saturation (this is significantly more advanced that what I described here though). A cool modern project that applies this technique is egg.

If you squint a bit, you can generally view a constant folding pass as a very simple form of Partial Evaluation: every operation that has constant arguments is constant-folded away, and the remaining ones are "residualized", i.e. put into the output program. This point of view is not super important for the current post, but will become important in the next one.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Thorsten Ball for getting me to write this and for his enthusiastic feedback. I also got great feedback from Max Bernstein, Matti Picus and Per Vogensen. A conversation with Peng Wu that we had many many years ago and that stuck with me made me keep thinking about various ways to view compiler optimizations.

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