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Nick Coghlan: Background tasks in Python 3.5


One of the recurring questions with asyncio is "How do I execute one or two operations asynchronously in an otherwise synchronous application?"

Say, for example, I have the following code:


With the native coroutine syntax coming in Python 3.5, I can change that synchronous code into event-driven asynchronous code easily enough:


But how do I kick that ticker off as a background task? What's the Python REPL's equivalent of appending & to a shell command?

It turns out it looks something like this:

importasynciodefrun_in_background(target,*,loop=None):"""Schedules target as a background taskReturnsthescheduledtask.Iftargetisafutureorcoroutine,equivalenttoasyncio.ensure_futureIftargetisacallable,itisscheduledinthedefaultexecutor"""ifloopisNone:loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()try:returnasyncio.ensure_future(target,loop=loop)exceptTypeError:passifcallable(target):returnloop.run_in_executor(None,target)raiseTypeError("background task must be future, coroutine or ""callable, not {!r}".format(type(target)))

So now I can do:


But how do I run that for a while? The event loop won't run unless the current thread starts it running and either stops when a particular event occurs, or when explicitly stopped. Another helper function covers that:

defrun_in_foreground(task,*,loop=None):"""Runs event loop in current thread until the given task completesReturnstheresultofthetask.Formorecomplexconditions,combinewithasyncio.wait()Toincludeatimeout,combinewithasyncio.wait_for()"""ifloopisNone:loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()returnloop.run_until_complete(asyncio.ensure_future(task))

And then I can do:


Here we can see the background task running while we wait for the foreground task to complete. And if I do it again with a different timeout:


We see that the background task picked up again right where it left off the first time.

We can also single step the event loop with a zero second sleep (the ticks reflect the fact there was more than a second delay between running each command):


And start a second ticker to run concurrently with the first one:


The asynchronous tickers will happily hang around in the background, ready to resume operation whenever I give them the opportunity. If I decide I want to stop one of them, I can cancel the corresponding task:


But what about our original synchronous ticker? Can I run that as a background task? It turns out I can, as that's the reason for the special handling of callables in run_in_background. However, I haven't figured out how to reliably cancel a task created through run_in_executor so we'll make sure this variant of the synchronous version stops on its own:


The key difference between scheduling a callable and a coroutine, is that the callable will start executing immediately in another thread, rather than waiting for the current thread to run the event loop:

>>>threaded_ticker=run_in_background(lambda:ticker_sync(5));print("Starts immediately!")0Startsimmediately!>>>1234Finishing

That's both a strength (as you can run multiple blocking IO operations in parallel), but also a significant weakness - one of the benefits of explicit coroutines is their predictability, as you know none of them will start doing anything until you start running the event loop.

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