Seems like testing and podcasts are in the air... First, I was interviewed on Brian Okken's Python Test podcast. I wasn't sure what to expect. The conversation went in a few different directions, and it was really nice to just chat with Brian for 45 minutes. We talked about, testing, doing presentations, edX, and a few other things.
Then I see that Brian was himself a guest on Talk Python to Me, Michael Kennedy's podcast about all things Python.
On that episode, Brian does a good job arguing against some of the prevailing beliefs about testing. For example, he explains why unit tests are bad, and integration tests are good. His argument boils down to, you should test the promises you've made. Unit tests mostly deal with internal details that are not promises you've made to the outside world, so why focus on testing them? The important thing is whether your product behaves right from the outside.
I liked this argument, it made sense. But I don't think I agree with it. Or, I completely agree with it, and come to a different conclusion.
When I build a complex system, I can't deal with the whole thing at once. I need to think of it as a collection of smaller pieces. And the boundaries between those pieces need to remain somewhat stable. So they are promises, not to the outside world, but to myself. And since I have made those promises to myself, I want unit tests to be sure I'm keeping those promises.
Another value of unit tests is that they are a way to chop up combinatorial explosions. If my system has three main components, and each of them can be in ten different states, I'll need 1000 integration tests to cover all the possibilities. If I can test each component in isolation, then I only need 30 unit tests to cover the possibilities, plus a small number of integration tests to consider everything mashed together. Not to mention, the unit tests will be faster than the integration tests. Which would you rather have? 1000 slow tests, or 30 fast tests plus 20 slow tests?
Sure, it's possible to overdo unit testing. And it's really easy to have all your unit tests pass and still have a broken system. You need integration tests to be sure everything fits together properly. Finding the right balance is an art. I really like hearing Brian's take on it. Give it a listen.