Speaker Profile: Edward Finkler (@funkatron)
Ed Finkler, also known as Funkatron, started making web sites before browsers had frames. He does front-end and server-side work in Python, PHP, and JavaScript. He is the Lead Developer and Head of Developer Culture at Graph Story.
He served as web lead and security researcher at The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) at Purdue University for 9 years. Along with Chris Hartjes, Ed is co-host of the Development Hell podcast.
Ed’s current passion is raising mental health awareness in the tech community with his Open Sourcing Mental Illness speaking campaign.
Ed writes at funkatron.com.
Ed will be presenting “How To Be A Great Developer” on Sunday at 1PM. Being a great developer is much more than technical know-how. Empathy, communication, and reason are at least as important, but are undervalued in our industry. We’ll examine the impact these skills can have and how to apply them to our work.