We very proud the announce you the speakers of our 56th meeting that will be held at the Lightspeed Retail offices in Montreal.
Join un next Monday, at 6:00pm for an amazing evening of Python :)
Flash presentations:
Van Duc Nguyen: CEDILLE - Ingénierie et logiciels libres (http://cedille.etsmtl.ca/).
Présentation d'un club scientifique de l'École de Technologie Supérieure qui réalise des projets d'ingénierie variés à l'aide de logiciels libres.
Main program:
Ted Landis: Using Pytest’s Fixtures for Specification By Example (SBE) Test Automation
Pytest’s incredibly flexible fixtures feature dependency injection and a modular extendable test design. But by adding the pytest-bdd plugin these fixtures also support high level Cucumber/Gherkin style scenario testing that allow your automated tests to be authored and reviewed by anyone on the product team. In this talk we will look at how pytest-bdd, and selenium based page objects are being used to automate functional testing of a cloud application.
Chris Parmer and Étienne Tétreault-Pinard: Plotly.js - The open-source charting library behind Plotly
Talk about the decision to open-source Plotly.js, Plotly's core technology and graphing library (https://plot.ly/javascript/open-source-announcement/). They'll discuss the details of maintaining a large-scale open-source project at the core of Plotly's business and how motivated individuals can use the library or contribute. There will be a short hands-on workshop on using Plotly.js as a business analyst or data scientist.
Pablo Duboue: Quick Prototyping Use Cases with Widgets in Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebooks (anciennement appelé ipython notebooks) permet d'avoir un REPL (une boucle de Lecture-Evalution-Impression) en python directement dans votre navigateur. Il fournit également des capacités pour avoir des "widgets" interactifs qui communiquent en temps réel avec la session python.
Cette fonctionnalité est vraiment utile pour l’analyse de données, mais dans cette présentation je présenterai une application différente qui peut être intéressante pour d’autres pythonistas : la création interactive de prototypes pour des cas d'expérience d’utilisateur.
Lightspeed offices, 700 St-Antoine E., #300 (3rd floor), Montréal https://goo.gl/maps/WL119K6qj8x
Monday, January 18th 2016
- 6:00pm— Doors open
- 6:30pm— Presentations start
- 7:30pm— Break
- 7:45pm— Second round of presentations
- 9:00pm— End of the meeting, have a drink with us
We’d like to thank our sponsors for their continued support:
- Lightspeed
- Bénélux
- w.illi.am/
- Outbox
- Savoir-faire Linux
- Caravan
- iWeb